Chapter 18

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We’ve being back in Forks for two months now, everyone as settled in to the house, we all started school like we did in Detroit, we all wear contacts still so the humans don’t get suspicious of us aswel as taking blood with us and pretend its soup in a mug.

Alice is back to her usual self, she’s apologized to us all for what she did but none of us blamed her, she was made to think Felix were her mate, after we all sat down and told her that none of us blamed her she accepted it and none of us spoke of it again. Bella and Rylie both apologized for what they said to her, but she told them it wasn’t needed.

Xavier as adjusted to the vegetarian diet amazing, he hasn’t slipped once and he hasn’t had a problem being around humans at school. It took him a while to relax around me and Bella – me because of how I used to be in Maria’s army and Bella because she’s my mate and she can be scary sometimes – Xavier’s words not mine.

Me – I’ve being thinking about doing something that I should of done a while ago, but I’m scared. I know me the major scared of my mate. “Just do it already Jasper” Alice snapped at me, the rest of the family nodded in agreement bringing me out of my thoughts. Lucky enough Bella was spending the day with Rylie having a brother and sister day out.

“Will you just hurry up and do it, you asked both me and Rose months ago and we said yes, just do it already” Emmett snapped at me. “Geez! Okay, I’ll do it” I told them all holding my hands up. I sat and thought when the best time was to do it and I couldn’t think of anything until I realised it was Christmas soon. “That’s and amazing Idea Jasper” Alice told me while jumping up and down in an Alice like fashion. “What?” Rose asked her. “He’s going to do it Christmas day” Emmett groaned. “That’s a whole week away man” Rose rolled her eyes “At least he’s finally going to do it”

Nobody mentioned it anymore because we could hear Bella and Rylie driving down the driveway. “Hiya darling” She smiled at me, I looked at her hands and she had about 10 bags in each hand and loads of Christmas wrapping paper, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. You can have a look at everyone else’s but yours isn’t ready yet, and you won’t see it until Christmas day mister. I’ll shout you when you can come look” I nodded at her, knowing there were no use arguing with her. “Oh and Aunt Alice don’t bother checking because I’ve blocked you” I looked at Alice and started laughing, she was pouting.

After Bella showed me what she got for everyone off of the both of us we headed downstairs to relax in front of the TV all except Bella, she kicked me out of the room and told me under no circumstances was I aloud in our room, If I did I would go cold turkey for a whole month, yeah I defently listened to her, I do not want to go without sex for a whole month thank you very much.

Bella didn’t end up coming down till 9 the next morning, god knows what she was up to, whatever it was it was a big secret because she hid it in her tree house in a draw that was locked and only she had the key for it. Rylie knew what it was but wouldn’t tell me or anyone all he said was that I would love it, but honestly whatever my mate got me I loved because it was from her, but she puts a lot of thought into her gifts she always as.

The week went by with Bella sneaking off to her tree house. She’s decorated it all to make it look more her now that she grown up, something’s she couldn’t chuck away because they were from her childhood.

Today is Christmas day, everyone’s emotions have being ridiculous for the past day, they were all looking forward for me to give Bella my Christmas presents. “Come on then guys, time to open presents” Emmett boomed from downstairs. Bella smiled at me before running downstairs.

Esme and Carlisle opened their presents first – Me and Bella got them a photo of them both printed out but it was made with different photos of them together over the years, they loved it. Rose and Emmett got Carlisle some medical books while Esme got some gardening and Interior design books. Rylie and Victoria got them tickets to the opera, they were both ecstatic, Alice and Xavier got them clothes and Edward and Sophia got them tickets to go away to Rio for two weeks.

Edward received a music book off of me and Bella, from Sophia he got a new piano, Carlisle and Esme got him some new books – first edition, Rose and Emmett got him some old fashioned music sheets, Rylie and Victoria got him some of his favourite Cd’s, Alice and Xavier got him some new clothes.

Alice and Xavier got tickets to go to Paris for three weeks off of Carlisle and Esme, me and Bella got Alice the newest pair of Jimmy Choo shoes and we got Xavier some new board games – for some strange reason he loved monopoly. Rose and Emmett got them tickets to the fashion show in Paris when they go away, Alice were so excited but Xavier groaned, from Rylie, Victoria, Edward and Sophia they received three nights away at a hotel of their choice.

Emmett got new consoles and games off of everyone except me and Bella, while Rose got loads of car stuff. Me and Bella got them a canvas of Rose, Emmett, Bella and Rylie for them, they loved it. Sophia got clothes off of everyone along with Victoria because like Alice they liked fashion. Rylie got new video games and his own console because like Emmett he loved hi video games.

Bella made me open my presents first, Carlisle and Esme got me some books on Civil war knowing I loved them, but one stuck out to me ‘Major Jasper Whitlock’ Wow there’s a book all about me. Rose and Emmett got me a new chess board, apparently mine was looking a bit worn out. Alice and Xavier of course got me some new clothes but it wasn’t Alice’s usual stuff no, there were jeans and ling sleeved tops and cowboy hats and cowboy boots, I loved them. Edward and Sophia got me a new laptop, Rylie and Victoria booked me and Bella a week in a hotel in Scotland when we wanted to use it. Bella passed me mine. “Open it then” Alice told me bouncing about. Once I opened it my jaw dropped, it was a big scrap book, I looked through it and it was everything we’ve done together and every picture we’ve had together even some I didn’t know were took. “I love it” I told Bella while pulling her in to my lap and kissing her.

“I think its Bella’s turn” Rylie interrupted us. She ended up getting the first edition of Wuthering heights off of Carlisle and Esme, Rylie and Victoria got her a photo of her and Rylie together framed, she loved it. Edward and Sophia got her some drawing supplies like pencils and loads of sketch pads, water paints and canvas’s for her to design her own, she loved it. “Come on Princess we need to go out for yours” Emmett told her, we all followed them out in to the garage, there were a BMW I8 with a red bow on it. “I-is that mine?” Bella asked after they both nodded they were both on the floor with Bella on top of them both hugging them and thanking them over and over again. “Whose is that?” I asked them pointing over to a Ducati motorbike. “It’s Rylie’s” Rose told me after Bella got off of them both. “M-mine?” Rylie asked. After they both thanked their mum and dad we headed back inside.

“Bella?” I asked her as soon as we were back in the front room. “Yeah?” She asked me, I got down on one knee in front of her. “Oh god” Bella whispered, with venom in her eyes, I pulled out the engagment ring out of my pocket and opened the box.  “From the day I met you I knew you was it for me, your my world, you pulled me back in to the real world, I were always walking around not really fitting in, always being the odd one out, until I met you, you turned my world upside down from day one. You have me wrapped around your little finger you always have and always will and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love you Bella, will you marry me?” I asked her. “Yes” she whispered while nodding her head and jumping on me while I was still on the floor. Everyone congratulated us after Bella got off of me. It was a perfect way to spend Christmas – with our family. 

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