universal refrences

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**Don't skip ahead to read translations or risk spoilers**

       I bit my lip as I stared at him. I could feel the beginning of anger rise in my stomach. I let out a deep breath. No... "I would save those that cannot save themselves, regardless of what they had done to me."

       It was true. If I could have done the procedure on any more of the clones I would have. I would have tried to save every single one of them. Every. Last. One.

        "Well then, Xodiva, if we must save everyone and Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?" Tony countered, pointing at the stone around Stephen's chest. Stephen shook his head.

        "No can do," Stephen stated.

        "We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives," Wong explained. I laughed softly. The four men looked at me. I waved my hand in dismissal as they turned back to their conversation. Oaths and codes. One of the ways to trick people into following what you believed. I just so happened to be one of those people.

It cost me everything.

        "And I swore off dairy but then Ben and Jerry's named a flavor after me, so..." Tony said, dismissing Wong's explanation.

        "Stark Raving Hazelnuts," Stephen sighed, looking down.

        "Not bad," Tony stated defensively. Stephen nodded his head side to side as he weighed the thought.

        "A bit chalky," He said.

        "A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite," Wong explained. Bruce shot Wong a confused look. I leaned over to Bruce.

         "What are they discussing?" I quietly asked Bruce. Apparently not quiet enough as Tony turned to face me with a horrified look on his face that made me lean back as a reflex.

         "Did you just ask what Ben and Jerry's is?" Tony asked, giving a small gasp.

         "I did indeed. And why someone would name something after you? I believed warriors took no credit for what they do? That is the good mark of a soldier," I explained, placing my hand on my hip defensively. Tony did a double-take as Stephen put a hand to cover his mouth, hiding a slight smile.

        "I... I'm sorry? I don't know if you know this, but I'm Tony Stark. You know, billionaire, playboy. Ring a bell?" Tony frantically explained. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Playboy? Really?" Wong questioned, raising an eyebrow. Tony gave him a quick, annoyed look, but turned back to me.

        "Should this ring, as you said, a bell? I am quite sorry," I frowned. If this man was a soldier, I did not believe he would have been so wealthy as he claims. A billionaire, as he called himself, does not exist from my home as the galaxy had suffered the great losses of war. Unless of course, you had leeched off the suffering. An offended look crossed Tony's face while Stephen held back slight laughter.

        "What are you from another universe or something?" Tony asked rather bluntly.

        "I am and I do apologize if my quadrant of such universe has not heard of the great playboy Tony Stake," I replied, quite annoyed with this man's need to prove himself so high. There is a looming apocalypse at the moment, perhaps we should refocus on that. "It does not matter, may we get back to the point, please?"

         Tony looked at me hard for a moment. I could sense his anger at my unknowing and confusion at my remark of living in another universe. "It's Stark. Tony Stark. The wizard said it not even five minutes ago, but yeah. The point is, things change."

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