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      If you thought this was the end of Xodiva Lythl's story, then you are sorely mistaken.

       Steve speaks, his voice echoing across the empty grassy plains to the faces looking up at him. He titles his eyes back down to the paper he reads from. He plays it off as a way to a study his words, but, in reality, he is only trying to stop himself from letting any sort of tears fall. In front of him sits the group he calls the Avengers.

     The Uhvengers, not the Prevengers.

     At least, the few that remained to stay for their goodbyes. He looks to the side, at the coffin the protector sleeps in.

      Not many of us knew who she was or only spent only a small amount of time in her presence. But if you did know her, you would have known she wasn't of this world. Xodiva, and I am quoting what Peter told me, was a different sort of Jedi. She was born Mandalorian, to a race of people that believed only in war and violence. And yet, she worked as a medic in times of war, sworn to save anyone who needed her help. That is what she deemed her purpose to be. She strove to protect. Until the day she believed she didn't.

      Xodiva was never granted the rank of a... Jedi Knight because she believed she had failed what mattered to her most: protecting lives. But today, I would say she deserves to be given that acknowledgment. I would say she successfully protected, saved, many lives.

       Xodiva wanted to go home, but she did not know how she could face the people she let down. All of us now understand that she did not let any of us down, but rather saved us. Some of us more than others. Because of her, many of you are sitting here now. She developed the plan that brought you all home. She laid down her life over and over just to prove she could be what everyone already knew she was.

       Steve looks at Tony, his right arm in a sling while Morgan rests her head on his other arm. She is seated between her parents as she stares at the dark brown box her new friend is sleeping in. Natasha clings to herself as she watches Steve, sitting besides a broken Jane Foster and Nick Fury. Fury remains unemotional as he holds the scientist's hand awkwardly. Steve has no way of knowing what he was thinking, but the tears streaming down the scientist's face can only allow him to guess.

       Thor stands behind the group, sunglasses on, with the Valkyrie and Bruce at his side. Thor holds a small purple plant in his hands, the leaves look to be shaking slightly in his hands. Steve didn't understand why Thor felt the need to bring it, but Thor refused to let it out of his sight. The trio watches as Steve delivers his speech. Steve knew Bruce and Thor for so long, long enough to know that they are keeping something in, even behind Thor's sunglasses. Peter sits next to Tony, shaking slightly as he stares stone faced straight ahead. Steve heard how he muttered underneath his breath, how Peter grasped at Xodiva's dying body, begging her to listen to him as he gave her reason to keep living.

     Now, as Steve speaks of the fallen commander, he swears he could see a human Bruce's eyes turn red. Steve makes his way over to where Xodiva lies and places a hand on the shoulder still attached to an arm. She looks like she is simply sleeping, perhaps dreaming of her home.

      Her shoulder length blonde hair is spread out around her while her hand is tilted, revealing the tattoo of her home. She's dressed in similar robes to that of the endgame battle, but she is clean. Morgan made sure that she looked like the princess named Aurora while she sleeps so her prince can come wake her with a kiss on her pale pink lips. Xodiva's master's crystal is clutched in her hand, wrapped around the parts of her broken saber.

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