daily adjusting

397 14 12

**Don't skip ahead to read translations or risk spoilers**

    It's been five years since Thor killed Thanos. Five years since half of the life in this galaxy vanished without a trace. Five years since the Avengers lost. Since I lost to a war I was forced into, like I was so so long ago. The Avengers had went their separate ways, unable to process the loss we had endured.

     Now, the days blur together in repetition. Everyday is the same. I have no where. I have no one. So, I stay where I am. Every morning I wake up from haunting dreams I can not remember. I stay seated in my spot on the floor. The spot I have taken as my bed in order to calm my mind for the day. The sam day. Repeated.

     I roll my neck, stretching it, and stand from my meditation to train. My lightsaber has long remained in my drawer, carefully cleaned every night. Almost exact to what I had done on Sakaar, except now I mark the days since I lost again. These days, it feels like I'm still there. Alone and having lost everything.

    I stand before the mirror of the training room, the bow staff Natasha had lent me rests against my side in my proper stance. I have to be prepared for anything now. I have to remember my past as much as I hate to pull them from my cavern, but thats what Master Shaak Ti wanted from me. To remember who I was. That's why she gave me the jaig eyes. I spin and jab as I had always done with her, except now, I only have one arm.

      My hair, long enough now to just barely touch my shoulders, bounces and whips into my eyes every now and then. The damaged ends barely grow anymore. No longer able to be long.

     When I finish, I complete my training with a quick run on a device that allows me to never move from the area even when I travel for miles. When I do complete it, I shower, changing into the simplistic clothes I bought with Natasha some time ago. I smile as I pull the grey jumper over brown trousers, Natasha was so disappointed when I only picked two outfits out. Both brown and grey in colour.

     Natasha had also been gracious enough to give me a new set of fatigues, although those lay untouched in the mission room. Untouched and unworn. There is no one to protect anymore.

     I adjust my master's kyber crystal around my neck and move my hair, tucking it behind my earring. I keep my eyes forward, trying not to catch a glimpse of that tattoo on my wrist. The marking of a Jedi. A leader. A... friend.

I let out a breath and make my way to the garage, passing Natasha as she leans against the counter of the kitchen, biting into a sandwich while staring at nothing.

"Goodbye, Natasha. I will be back at the same time as always. Since it is sixth day of the week, Steve should be here as well," I call to her from the foyer as I stuff my bag with the rations and supplies I will need. She lifts her head, shocked by my voice, before giving a small smile and wave. I leave her as she takes another bite of her sandwich.

Blur of repetition.

I let out another deep breath as I face the door.

     One day at a time.

     I make my way down the garage to the Quinjet sitting on the landing pad. The same jet I have taken every dat for five years to visit the Avenger who suffers every day, trapped by his own mind, because no one else will. The world is a hazy grey. Most likely from the ashes that drift through the air from those that disappeared, drifting through the air. I feel, that if given a chance, I could piece all of them back together. Bring them home to their families who love them and miss them every day.

As The World Caves In: An Avengers / Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now