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Song: you belong to me- Santo and Johnny

"You look good in white," "And your hair has grown," Y/n and Five commented as they watched Diego sit down. "About time you showed up," Diego said picked at the skin of his fingers.
"How'd you know I'd be back?" "Because that's the kind of shit you pull. You run around with,
Y/n and do all sorts of stuff."

"Do you know where the others are?" Y/n asked. "They're not with you?" Y/n and Five glanced at each other before turning back to Diego. "We'll find them," Y/n nodded. "How long have you been here?" "Seventy-Five days. I landed in the alleyway behind Commerce and Knox," Five finished Diego's sentence. "I got here this morning, and Y/n got here last year," Diego licked his chapped lips and squirmed in his chair. "How'd you find me?" Five lightly scoffed and pulled out the newspaper clipping Elliott gave him.

"Page 16," Five said as he unfolded the paper. Diego rolled his eyes at the sight of the torn piece of paper. "Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 North Beckley," Five said as he slid the paper in Diego's direction. "That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house. Care to explain?" "Let's just say Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt of stopping the assassination of, John F Kennedy," Diego whispered. Y/n rolled her eyes at the man's explanation. "No matter what decade we travel to your hero complex is still there. Of course, they're not going to believe you, it hasn't happened yet,"

"And it won't happen, not on my watch," Diego said with a deranged smile. "Look I'm shaving down the bars in my cell, any day now I'll be out of this place and then I'm gonna stop, Oswald, and save the president.
You want in? Say the word," Y/n scoffed, "Even therapy can't help your delusional ass," "Listen to me," Five gritted through his teeth. "You're not going to do a damn thing," Five said as he leaned forward. "Why not?" "Because we have to stop the apocalypse," Y/n turned to Five with a confused look on her face as she listened. "No shit, but that doesn't happen for another 60 years," "Not that apocalypse. This is a new one, I've seen it," Five said as he pictured the horrific warzone scene on his head. "Nuclear war, Diego. Ten days,"

Diego began to laugh like a crazy person as he leaned back in his chair. "And I'm the one they locked up in here? Y/n is a blood-lusting maniac and you're talking about a nuclear war," "At least I can control my problems. You're too busy trying to play hero you can't see the fucking picture in front of you," Y/n spat.
Diego rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Fine, I'll play along. What causes it?" "Hm, I don't know. Maybe some looney-tuned lunatic with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up," "So you're saying it worked? I saved the president?" Diego questioned completely ignoring what Five had said. Diego changed his mind about helping Five and Y/n, but only on the condition, he'd save the president.

"You're helpless," Y/n said as she stared at the deranged man. "Guards? My brother is plotting his escape, the bars of his room have been shaved down," Five told the guards as he and Y/n got up. Diego began to lunge at the two 'teens', but was quickly stopped by the hospital security.
"This is for your own gold Diego," Diego tried to push the guards off of him but was unsuccessful. A nurse came in with a large syringe and injected it into his arm.
"I'll be back for you later, for now... Nighty night," Five whispered in his ear. "Come on," Five said as he grabbed Y/n's hand. The two left the psych ward earth racking their brain to try and figure out a plan to find the others.


"This is my room," Y/n said as she left Five into her room at Elliott's place. Five looked around the room taking in everything he saw. "What do you think?" "It suits you," Five smiled. "Come, sit," Y/n patted the spot next to her on her bed. Five sat down on the small bed and rubbed his hands on the bedsheets that draped the twin-sized bed. "You said you saw it," Y/n spoke up as she stared at the ground. "The apocalypse. What'd you see?" Five let out a breath, "There were soldiers from Russia, everything was on fire, and you guys were alive and fighting the soldiers, but in the end, there was a nuclear bomb."

"That's it?" Five nodded. "Do you think we can stop it this time?" "Honestly, I don't know. It's going to be a lot harder this time that's for sure," Y/n nodded and placed her hand on Five's. "I never forgot about you, you know," Y/n said as she looked at their hands. "I thought about you all the time, sometimes I would sneak out and try and look for you. I would look for the others sometimes, but I always looked for you," Y/n looked up at Five's face. Their eyes locking in with each other.
Nothing was said, nothing needed to be said. They knew what they were saying just by looking at each other. The space between their faces began to grow shorter as Five leaned in.

Y/n got a hint of Five's actions and leaned in too, closing the space between them. Their lips laid on each other with nothing but admiration. Five placed his hand on Y/n's cheek, gently caressing it as Y/n laid her hand on the nape of Five's neck tangling her fingers into his hair. The two continued their sweet kiss until they couldn't breathe. "That's to make up for the last time," Y/n giggled. Five had a sheepish smile on his face as his cheeks were tinted a bright red. "I think we should go find the others," Y/n said as she got up. Five gently pulled her back down and kissed her again.

This kiss was more confident but was still filled with admiration. Their lips moved together in sync as small smiles were on their lips. Y/n giggled and pulled away. "Come on," She said with red-tinted cheeks and ears and a smile on her face. Five nodded still trying to compose himself of all the joy he felt. The two shuffled out of Y/n's room and went to the board filled with the photos of their family.

"Hey, look," Y/n said pointing to a local bar ad in a newspaper clipping. "Maybe we can find, Klaus there," "You could be right, and if not we can still get some drink," Y/n smiled and nodded, "Exactly what I was thinking," The two joined hands, and Five spacial jumped outside the door of the bar. The two walked inside and made their way into the bar. People were everywhere, music was playing, and men were hollering at the dancers, while ladies scurried around the bar serving drinks.

"I'm sorry," A woman with blonde hair that was in a perfect bun and a pink diamond-studded bodysuit. "We don't allow minors," Y/n and Five glanced at each other and laughed. "What time do you get off work?" Five asked the lady. Y/n giggled and playfully slapped Five's arm. The two walked into the bar and took a seat in front of the stage to watch the dancers. The two watched the dancers for a while until a voice was heard. "She's too young for you,"

"Nice to see you too, Luther,"

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