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“Son of a bitch! Klaus is Amish,” Y/n looked around as she got out of the car. “I wish I could say this is shocking, but at this point, I’d be lying to myself if I said anything regarding Klaus is shocking,” Y/n said. “This explained everything,” ‘How does this explain anything?” Five asked confused to see where the dots connected. Klaus told them that everything he needed in his childhood was right here.

“Hey, Klaus? Wait a minute,” Five called as he walked to catch up with the man. “Doppelgänger check,” Five asked if Klaus felt strange or any of paradox psychosis symptoms. Luckily, Klaus was feeling better than ever.

“Good luck,” Five said as he watched his brother walk into the farm. “Wait, you two aren’t coming with?” Five shook his head. “This one you gotta do alone,” Klaus let out an nervous sigh and turned to the farm and walked inside. Five joined Y/n back at the car. “You think he’s going to be, okay?” Y/n asked as she looked at the boy. Five let out a sigh and he stood next to her. “I sure hope so,” Y/n grabbed the boy’s hand and laced their fingers together. “I’m sure he will,” Five looked at the girl and smiled.

“Five, I swear to god, if you keep picking boring places for us to visit, I'm not retiring with you,” Five huffed as he looked at his map marked with sights. “Y/n come on, all these things are cool!” Five defended. “Like who doesn’t wanna go see the Alamo?” Y/n let out a laugh as she placed her head on the boys chest. She continued to look at his map to see all the places he wanted to visit. “See, now this one sounds cool. The louvre,” We can definitely do that,” “I’ll move that to the top of the list,” Five smiled.

As the music played on radio Y/n and Five were in the back of the hotel obsidian car going over places to visit during their retirement. Everything was going smoothly until a large gust of wind and a loud crash interrupted their thoughts. Y/n sat up and looked outside.

“This can’t be good,”

Five got out of the car and looked at the empty field in front of him.

“Oh, can I get one fucking day off?”

“Looks like the louvre is gonna have to wait,” Y/n sighed as she joined Five outside of the car. Five began to mumble things to himself as he made his way back to the car. He grabbed one of the markers he was using to make the map and began to draw out equations on the exterior of the car. He continued to map out and solve equations. Y/n watched as he did so. “Do you have an idea on what’s going on?” Five let out a grunt in frustration. “I wish I did, but I don’t,” He continued to write out equations and maps and Y/n patted him on the shoulder.

So much for their happy ending.

“Five!” “Y/n!” “Start the car, would you?” Y/n turned away from Five and gasped as she saw Klaus running through the field with angry Amish people trailing behind him. “Why can’t you just get along with people?” Five asked as he began to make his way to the driver’s side. “I tried. Really, I did. I tried!” Klaus panted as he tried opening the car door. A lady called for him, making him divert his attention and go to her. She gave him something. Y/n looked at the angry crowd that now growing near and called out for Klaus. “Klaus hurry up!” “Klaus it’s now or never!” Klaus rushed to the car and got in and Five hastily drove off

“This whole timeline’s filled with riddles,” Klaus breathed as he looked through, the books the lady gave him. “My mom died before I was even born!” Five slammed his foot on the break with wide eyes as he heard his brother speak.

“What did you just say?”

“Okay gather round, people,” Five said as he walked into the hotel where his siblings were staying at. He looked around to make sure everyone was there, but someone was missing. “Where’s Luther?” Nobody knew where he was at, but there was not enough time to wait for him to come back. Five was just going to have to give him a summary of what he missed. “We have bigger problems to worry about now,” “Like what?” Allison said as she took a swig of her alcoholic drink. Five placed the book that was given to Klaus on the bar and opened it. He began to flip through the pages, showing each of the women that were on the page.

” Who are they?”

“These are our mothers,” Klaus stopped on the page that had a photo of an Amish woman. “That one is mine,” he said as he touched the photo. “They’re all dead,” Five began to explain. He told everyone that their mothers had died on the exact day they were born. October 1st, 1989. “That’s our birthday,” “Not anymore, it isn’t, Five told them how they all died before we were born. “IF we weren’t born, how can we exist?” Diego asked, skeptical of what he was hearing. “Exactly,” “What are you saying?” Viktor asked now, confused.

“I’m saying, when we jumped here, we created a time paradox,” He explained. “Not just any time paradox. This is the grandfather paradox,” “What the hell is a grandfather paradox?”

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