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Don't stop me now- Queen

2 hours prior

"She's gone!" One of the workers sounds the alarm while another worker goes to her room to check for any remains of the girl. "The boss is going to kill us if they find out we let her escape," One of the workers said as they looked through her room.  "She must have escaped during the power outage, that's the only way she could have escaped," "Well we have to finder. Who knows what she is capable of out there," 


"Ugh, I can't find anything here!"  Y/n groaned as she walked through the busy streets of New York. She continued to walk until she found the nearest convenience store. She went inside and looked around for anything to eat. She grabbed a bag of chips and a buttload of candy and other sweet treats.  She glanced at the front desk and the door before shoving all the treats in the pockets of her ripped sweatpants.  She went up to the front desk and placed a bag of chips on the counter.  The cashier scanned it and rang it up.

"That'll be $3.75," Y/n nodded. She knew she didn't have any money, but she knew she had a plan.  She held out her hands and quickly attached some strings to the cashier. She moved her hands around making the cashier open the cash register and pull out money. 

Once she emptied half of the register she took the money and made the cashier close the register. She detached her strings and let the cashier regain consciousness.  "Here you go," She said placing four dollars on the counter. "Keep the change," She said as she took her chips and walked out of the store. She ran out of the area and continued to run until she reached a nearby department store. 

"I really do need to get some clothes, not to mention some shoes," She mumbled as she walked up to the store's doors.   "Shit they're closed," She mumbled as she looked inside.  She noticed that there was a breaker box on the outside, she took her chance and grabbed her revolver from the pocket of her sweatpants and aimed it at the box. She shot the box 5 times before it broke and opened the door.  She giggled as she walked inside, taking in the scenery. 

She walked around the store going through isles looking for clothes. "Ou I like this one," she pulled out a back turtle neck with a heart patch on it. She continued to walk through the isles she pulled out a pair of baggy red pants the slightly resembled cargo pants.  "That'll do, for now, now all I need is a bag and some shoes,"

She walked around the store looking for a pair of shoes until she found a pair of white tennis shoes that just so happened to be a perfect fit. She found a backpack and put all of her snacks, weapons, bullets, and newly found clothes, keeping it all together and organized.  She was just about to leave when she heard the sound of footsteps.


"I've missed you... Obviously," The voice said. "Hey! Who's there?" Y/n asked as she stepped closer to the mannequins. The boy glanced at her to see who was in the department store with him but was caught by surprise.

"No! Duck!" Y/n ducked as someone began to shoot at the mannequins. "What the hell!"
Y/n screamed as she ducked into one of the isles and grabbed her revolver out of her backpack and loaded it. She shot at the people who released rapid-fire on the whole store.

"I just wanted some stuff man! I was gonna pay I promise!" Y/n yelled as she crawled through the isles. "Hey, you!" She shouted at the person who was on the other side of the aisle. She quickly crawled over to them and began cocked her gun, "Could you shut up!" The boy whisper yelled.
She aimed her gun at the boy.

"You tell me what's going on your brains are gonna be on these clothes!" The boy glanced over to the mannequin stand and back to Y/n.  "I'm one of the good guys okay! They're after me, not you at least I don't think. So don't shoot me,"

Y/n hesitantly lowered her gun. She peeked her head over the rack of clothes she was hiding in before aiming at one of the masked fiends. She shot and hit one in the arm making them cry out in pain. The boy quickly used this distraction and ran to the mannequin stand and grabbed one of them before running back into an aisle nearby.

He placed it down and mumbled something before running off. Y/n followed the boy, unsure of what to do, but there would be times where she would blink and he'd be in a different spot. "What in the living fuck,"

She ran into a nearby isle and stayed there till she saw the boy. He came up behind one of the masked people and sliced their arm with a knife-like object.  The smell of blood hit Y/n's nose in an instant heightening her senses and causing her brain to go blank. 

She got up from her hiding spot and began to open fire on the masked men. She didn't know if she was hitting them or not, but her bloodlust was too high for her to care.  She had completely forgotten about the boy she was trying to stay with and was focused on killing whoever was shooting at them, not to mention her bullet count was dangerously low.

"Hey, you!" The boy whisper shouted. Y/n turned to see the boy in one of the isles crouched down. "Cover for me," Y/n nodded and checked her bullet count. She only had 2 more bullets left and she couldn't get some from her backpack.  She made a split decision and made a run for the front of the store.

The masked men began to shoot at her thinking she was their original target. She had climbed a wall and began making a run for the exit, but the boy had grabbed her arm and pulled her into a nearby check-out cubicle.

The sounds of sirens and police cars could be heard approaching the store outside. The two looked at each other and looked for an exit that wouldn't get them caught.  "This way," Y/n whispered as she pointed to the nearest exit. The two stealthy made their way to their exit and slipped out the back. They ran as far as they could until they were in the clear.

"What the fuck were you doing? You could have gotten me killed!" Y/n shouted at the boy as they walked through the now empty streets of, New York. "I should be asking you the same thing!" Y/n scoffed and pulled out her gun from the side pocket of her backpack and pointed at the boy's head. "Like I said in the store and like I'm gonna say now. Tell me what's going on or a bullet is going in your brain!" The boy scoffed, "You're not gonna shoot me, you don't have the balls," 

Y/n placed her finger on the trigger and shot, but a blue flash disoriented her causing her to close her eyes and shield her face.  "Wow, you actually tried to shoot me," Y/n opened her eyes and turned around. "What the fuck. How'd you get over there!" The boy pursed his lips, "Let's not worry about that," Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes.  "You have also of explaining to do, you literally almost had me killed," The boy sighed and started to walk off. "Hey, I was talking to you!"

"Well you've already seen too much, so you're staying with me,"  "And what if I don't want to?" The boy walked up to her and put his index finger on her forehead. "Then I'll kill you, and not on accident this time. Y/n stared at him with rage in her eyes as he took his finger away from her forehead.

"Now come on, I wanna get home before those people find me again. He said as he turned around and walked off. Y/n stayed in her place and didn't budge, making the boy sigh and stop. "Are you coming or not?" She sighed and began to walk with the boy. "See that's more like it," The boy smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes. "What's your name?"
"Y/n, L/n. Yours?" 

"Five Hargreeves,"

(Hi everyone! I'm finally back! I just wanted to say thank you for being so patient with me. Also if you go to the comments on each chapter they may not make sense because I just deleted what I wrote on the chapter then rewrote instead of deleting everything. Anyway i hope you enjoy the new and much-improved Dancing in the rain!)

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