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Song: Ständchen, S. 560, Franz Schubert

"Are you sure this the correct place? They were pretty vague," "I'm sure, Clyde. That lady told us she was gonna be here. We just have to wait for them to arrive." Clyde sighed at his partner's explanation still iffy about the whole situation. "When are they gonna get here? It's already 5 minutes past," "Clyde just wait a damn minute. We could be early that's all," "Well sorry, Jim, but you know I kinda wanna keep my job," The two huffed and went back to utter silence as they waited for everyone else to come.


"Are you sure you wanna do this? You don't have to come if you don't want to. Hazel and Cha-cha are far more dangerous than they look," Y/n chuckled. "I wanna do it. I wanna help you, but thank you for looking out for me," Y/n said patting his shoulder. "And if anything were to happen, just know I enjoyed tagging along. Even though you were a bit bitchy," "Okay enough," Y/n giggled and ruffled Five's hair.

"Maybe I should take the case," Five and Y/n turned to Luther who was sitting in the diver's seat."I should hold onto it, you know, just in case they make a move on you," Five nodded, "Well just be careful. I mean I've lived a long life, but you still have your whole life ahead of yo-" Y/n cut off Five by coughing, signaling for him to stop talking while he was still ahead. "What Mr. Oldie over here is trying to say," Y/n explained, "Is that since we've lived a lot longer than you. We really don't have a whole lot to lose," Luther nodded and turned to the street to watch for Hazel and Cha-Cha.

"That's them," Five sighed as he opened his car door. Y/n pulled out her revolver and checked her barrel before getting out. "If this all goes sideways, due tell, Delores I'm sorry," Y/n rolled her eyes at the mention of that stupid doll. Hazel and Cha-Cha pulled over and got out of their car. Y/n and FIve walked up to them while Luther stayed by the car.

"Are the masks really necessary?" The two masked enemies pulled off their masks to reveal a black woman with an amber-colored bob and a white man with a gelled back hairstyle and scruff bead. "Oh my god, the horror. Quick! put them back on before my eyes melt," Y/n said covering her eyes. "Oh, so you got jokes?" The lady said. "Don't talk to her," Five said bluntly. The lady sighed, "So where's the case?" "Wow, already off to such a rocky start. You know we can go back to our car and call it a day," The lady drew her gun at the two 'teens'. "You won't even make it halfway" there," Y/n quickly drew her gun as well and pointed it at the lady. "Wanna bet on it, hag?"

"As you can see, my partner here also has a gun, and I'm sure you two remember your previous foray that my brother is not your typical giant," "He's right." The man chimed in, " you dropped a chandelier on him, he got right back up." Five nodded, "So by the time you took both of us out he'd smash your precious briefcases into a pulp," "Us too, right?" The man said pointing to himself. "So how do we stop that?" "Well, I need you to get in contact with your supervisor. I need to have a chat with her." The woman rolled her eyes and scoffed, "About what?" "That's none of your concern." There was a small silence before the lady spoke up. She agreed to Five's request as long as they didn't spill the beans about the case. The four walked back to their respective cars to wait for the next outcome.

"Now we wait," Luther and Y/n nodded. Y/n jumped up and sat on the car hood to wait for further instructions, she turned to see an ice cream truck driving towards the meeting site. "Hey look. It's an Ice cream truck," Five and Luther turned to where Y/n was looking to see that there was indeed an ice cream truck driving towards them. As it got closer the music could be heard clearly. That was until it finally drove past them. Klaus and Diego were driving the car. "What the hell are they doing here?" Before they knew it Hazel and Cha-Cha started shooting at the truck.

There was so much going on, Y/n didn't even notice that Jim and Clyde were making their way to the car to kidnap her. "Y/n, get back!" Five yelled before everything slowed down and came to a stop. Five peeked over Luther's side before walking in front him. He looked at, Y/n who was frozen in place with two people behind her trying to grab her.


"Neat trick, isn't it?" Five turned around to see the person he so desperately wanted to talk to. She moved her hair out of her face and took off her glasses to get a better look at the boy who had been causing her trouble for the past couple days. "Hello, Five," shes smiled. "You look good, all things considered." "It's good to see you again," Five teetered on his feet as he conversed with her.
"Feels like we met just yesterday," she sighed as she remanenced on old times.

"Congratulations," She started with sly smile. "On the age regression by the way. Very impressive," Five rolled his eye and scoffed. "Well I wish I could take credit, but I just miscalculated the calculations and now well, here I am." Five pursed his lips and gestured to his body. "You realize you efforts are futile. So why don't tell me what you want," "I want you to put an end to it," The handler shook her head and made a 'tch' sound.

"You know that's just about impossible even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be, that's our raison d'être," Five drew his gun and pointed it at the lady. "Well how about we about we make survival as our raison, hm?" She made a breathy chuckle, "I'll simply be replaced. I'm nothing but a tiny cog in a big machine." She took a breath, "This fantasy you've been nurturing. That all your family and little miss, Y/n are gonna stop the apocalypse is just that. A fantasy."

"I must say though, we're all quite impressed. Your stick to it grit, your ability to work with a partner. It's really quite something," She admired, "Which is why we want you to come back. As management," "I'm sorry what?" The Handler took a step closer to Five, "Come back and work with us Five. It's where you belong," She smiled. " "Yeah last time i did that it didn't go over well" The Handler chuckled and shook her head. "You wouldn't be in the correction center anymore. You be in the home office. You'd have the best home and pension, not to mention all the travelling you could do. You're a professional...in school boy shorts,"

"We even have the technology to reverse the effects on your body. I mean you can't be happy like this," She said as she lowered his gun. "I'm not looking for happy," Five said as he stared her down. The Handler reached out and caressed Five's cheek, "We're all looking for happy," She lowered her hand and inched towards him, "And we can make that happen. We can make you happy,"

"Then what about my family?" Five scoffed. "What about, Y/n?" "What about them?" The Handler said not understanding what Five wanted. "I want them to survive," The Handler sighed and looked around. Taking in the faces Five so deeply cared about. "All of them?" "Yes. All of them, including, Y/n," She reached into her pocket and pulled out her sunglasses and put them back on. Once her hand was empty she held out her hand to, Five.

"So, do we have a deal?" Five looked at her hand and glanced at her face. "One more thing," He walked off and went to the gun that was lying in the middle of the street. He took out the bullets and threw them on one side of the road while throwing the gun its self on the other side of the road. Then he walked up to the bullet that was about to hit Luther and moved it over so it would hit the guy that was reaching out for Y/n.

"Another thing," Five spoke as he walked back up to The Handler. "Can Y/n come with me?" She glanced at the girl who was sitting on the hood of the car, with no idea she was about to get abducted, and glanced back at Five. "Sorry little one, Y/n has some of her own but she needs to attend to. But don't worry, she'll stay safe when the apocalypse comes," Five turned to Y/n and turned back to the handler.

"Goodbye, Y/n,"

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