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"You sure she's out here?" Y/n questioned as she walked through the cornfield. "A big e energy source in the middle of nowhere, this is the closest bet," The two walked through the cornfield until they saw someone hiding in the stalks of corn.

"Hello, Vanya," "It's been a while," Y/n and Five said as the corn out of the way. "Who are you two?" "I'm your brother," Five explained. "And I'm your friend," Y/n smiled. "I have a brother?" "Look, you can wait for the IKEA mafia to come back and kill you, or you can come with me and

"Why are they trying to kill me?" Vanya asked as the group trudged through the cornfield. "What? In Dallas?" "No, here in 1963," Five corrected. They continued to walk through the stalks of corn until they reached a cleared-out area. "Holy shit," Vanya said in awe as she saw the patch of flattened corn. "Wild right?" Y/n said as she looked around. "It's good to see your powers are still intact," Five smiled. "Come on let's go," Vanya and Y/n followed Five through the flattened land.


"Leave the pot, dear," Five smiled at the waitress. "Bring extra creamer too," The waitress mumbled something before tossing creamer cups on the bar counter for Y/n. "Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?" Five went on to explain Vanya's life and then how she ended up in Dallas, Texas in the 1960s. "What do you mean the end of the world?" "I mean the end of the world as we know it,"
Vanya was still confused and couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"You really don't remember anything do you?" Vanya shook her head, "The better question is, what do you remember," Y/n said as she stirred her coffee. Vanya went on to explain her memories and asked a question neither Five nor Y/n was ready to answer.
"What causes the apocalypse," Five sighed and glanced at
Y/n trying to think of a way to tell her. "It was a really big asteroid," Y/n said taking the pressure off of Five. "Just like the one that got the dinosaurs, except way worse," Five said. "Bad news is, it followed us here," Vanya questioned what Five meant by that. "Eight days from now the world ends in nuclear doomsday. Different disease, but the same result," Vanya didn't believe Five nor did she even want to believe him, but he was quick to tell her that he saw it and it was very much real.

"I need to make a phone call," Vanya trembled as she got out of her seat. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea," Y/n sighed. "I mean look at her, she can't remember anything and it's not like we can tell her she's the reason we're here. It's too much for her," Five bit his lip and picked at the skin of his fingertips. Maybe Y/n was right, maybe He should have just told her that this was just a big mess up. "She's taking too long," Five mumbled. He went up to the payphone she was using and pressed the coin return ending the call. "What the hell?" "We don't have time for this," "That's my friend you just hung up on!"

"Listen to me!" Five said as he grabbed Vanya by the shoulders. "Those people from the field are coming after us, and they are never going to stop. Do you understand me?" Five trembled as he spoke to his sister. "We need to stick together, find the others, figure out how to stop doomsday. Whoever this person is, they can't be more important than the end of the world," Y/n joined the others and tapped on Five's shoulder. "We need to go," Vanya sighed and put the phone back on the hook.


"What is this place," Y/n looked around the fighting den as they walked in. "There he is," Five pointed at Luther in the pit of the fighting den as they got closer to the pit. The place reeked of alcohol, sweat, and blood. Y/n started to feel her bloodlust spike, A feeling she hasn't felt in so long. Her senses began to heighten and she could feel herself cracking under the smell. She tried to push away the feeling, but it was getting harder each moment she took a breath.
"Look, he's pummeling him," Vanya said as she watched Luther take punches.

The man threw him into the wall causing Vanya and Five to gasp. "Why isn't he fighting back?" Five turned to Y/n who was in a dazed state. "Y/n, I need you to puppet him. He's not fighting back," Y/n could barely hear Five over the loud screams, but was able to somewhat make out what he was saying. Y/n attached her strings to Luther, but she couldn't move him. He was too big, and she was far too weak. She tried and tried to get him to move but her strength couldn't make him budge. She detached her strings and shook her head. "He's too big," Five mumbled something before yelling out to Luther.

"Luther, are you crazy? hit him!"
Luther didn't listen and yelled at the man to hit him. The man hesitated but did as he was told and hit him. Luther was hit so hard that he was flung into the air. He landed on his back with a big thud and had no plan of getting back up. "Why didn't he fight back?" Vanya questioned as the three stared at the man on the floor of the pit.

"I have no clue,"

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