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Y/n yawned and grabbed the pieces of fresh toast from the toaster and placed them on a plate. She spread butter and jam on them before beginning to eat. Luther was making an overfilled skillet of scrambled eggs and Diego was pacing around the kitchen. "Here," Y/n mumbled hoarsely as she poured fresh coffee in Five's mug. Y/n was covered with bruises and her throat was sore from last night's altercation. She sat at the table and quietly ate her toast and listened to the boys talk about the Swedish men. "I was fine for three months before you showed up," "Weren't you in a mental hospital for telling people the president was gonna die?" Y/n cocked an eyebrow as she took a bite of her toast. "Not the point,"

"I mean Diego is right," Luther spoke up. "I was fine for a year and no one messed with me," "Look, even if it was my fault, which it isn't. We only have six days before the end of the world and the closest anyone has gotten to dad was that driveway at the consulate," Luther spoke up, "Well, that's not entirely true," Diego and Five pipped up, while Y/n just stayed quiet and. Luther began to tell his brothers about his unfortunate encounter with his billionaire father. He told them about how he had to beg for money for a bus pass all the way back to, New York, yet he was still seven cents short. He told them how their father had embarrassed him in front of everyone at one of his parties and kicked him out of his childhood home.

"That's so pathetic," Diego said as he listened to Luther's sob story. "Didn't shank you," Y/n said in a hoarse voice. "Yeah, but he shanked Luther's heart," Luther hummed and continued to eat his mountain of scrambled eggs. Elliott walked in seeing the abnormally large man sitting at his table wearing his bathrobe. "Look, who cares what he shanked, he knows something about time travel we don't," "Five's right," Y/n said sipping her coffee. "Well, why do you, uhm.. you know," Elliot said doing a little hand movement. Five let out an annoyed sigh as he got up from his seat to refill his mug with fresh coffee. "Anyone care to explain?" "The first time he did it he ended up lost in the apocalypse," Luther said as he continued to scarf down eggs. "Second time, he ended up without hair on his balls," Diego jeered. "Last time I tried I scattered my family and my girlfriend across three years in, Dallas Texas possibly triggering a doomsday. Any more questions, Elliott?"

"You guys are missing the big picture here," Diego spoke up. He continued to ramble on about his father being tied to the assassination of the president in this current time. "Diego, I think you're missing the big picture here," Y/n said getting up from her seat to get another cup of coffee. "Look, the way I see it, we only have one option," Five spoke up as he held on to his mug. "It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together. Diego agreed to Five's proposition, While Luther made it clear he wasn't going to get Allison. "You two still a thing?" Luther shrugged and Diego offered his advice but was quickly shot down by Luther sharing the news of Allison's marital status. "Y/n and I will take care of Allison," Five spoke up putting his mug down,"

"Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death," "I'll try," Y/n snicked at Five's comment. "Come on, Y/n," Y/n quickly drained her coffee from its mug and set it down. She held her hand out and the boy took ahold of it which instantly made them special jump.


"Hello?" Allison called out as she walked into the empty TV shop. Klaus walked inside followed by the oldest members of the team. "We brought company," Y/n cheered as she walked further into the store. The others were standing on the balcony looking down at their siblings who had just entered. "Oh, wow," Klaus spoke up as he saw the rest of his siblings. "I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier?" Everyone glanced at each other taking in everyone's presence. "Vanya," Allison spoke up flashbacks from their last encounter playing in her head. "I can't believe I have a sister," Vanya smiled obliviously to what note they had last left off on.

They all joined each other on the bottom floor, everyone exchanging hugs and sweet kisses. "Klaus, is Ben here?" Five asked breaking the sweet moment. Klaus sighed as he stretched, "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel," Five shrugged and made his way up the stairs with Y/n following shortly behind him.

"All right," Five sighed as he looked at all of his siblings. "First off I wanna say I'm sorry, I know I really screwed the pooch here on this one going back in time and getting stuck here thing. But the real kick in the pants is, we brought the end of the world here with us," "Again?" Klaus questioned as he held a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He glanced at the rest of his siblings who knew about the nuclear disaster. "You all knew and didn't tell me? Why am I always the last one to find out about this stuff" He groaned, "Oh no my cult, they're gonna be so pissed. Five, you said we had until 2019!" Klaus groaned about his first-world problem. "We have until Monday. We have six days," "Is it Vanya?" Allison quickly scolded Klaus for his remark.

"Do you have any leads Five?" Vanya asked as she sunk into her seat on the couch. "Yeah, we have one," Y/n handed the folder to Five who then handed it to Allison for further examination. She expressed her shock when she saw the photo of her father standing on the grassy knoll with his signature black umbrella. Five began to explain their reasoning behind having that photo and explaining how renting with their father could help them significantly and how they needed to figure out how to restore the timeline so they could all go back home.

"How are we supposed to fix it, if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asked. Diego began to talk about how their father was a shady person working with shady people which could be the reason the timeline has gone to shit. "So there's one thing we need to do,"

"Find, Dad,"

"Kill, Dad,"

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