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"Guys, you all die." Five confessed with a shaky voice. "I was there. I saw it. I wish I could forget it, but I can't," He quivered, " I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it... In a war that never happened until we brought it here, and Hazel gave his life to save us, so you need to shut up and just listen to me," He spoke as he glanced at all of his loved ones. "I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything, but dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead," Five explained. "Okay, I'm out," Luther sighed as he got up from his chair. "Luther did you just not hear what Five said? We need to figure something out," Y/n said as she got up.

"Oh, that's what you heard, but what I heard was a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything," "Says the daddy's boy himself," Y/n scoffed, "You can count me out," He said walking off mumbling something about how we needed to grow up. Five was fed up with his ape brother ruining everything with his over-the-top ego. He spacial jumped in front of Luther who was descending the stairs to stop him from leaving the store. His efforts were short-lived when Luther threw him over the railing of the stairs to get him out of the larger man's way.

"Five!" Y/n called out trying to project her strings over the balcony to catch the boy, but he had spacial jumped before her strings could latch. "Luther you fucking idiot! Must you and your ego ruin everything? You know instead of trying to be Mr. independent Number One, why don't just close your big mouth and listen!" Y/n shouted as she rushed down the other sets of stairs. "And while you're at it, get a fucking reality check and realize you're the one screwing us over not Five!" was all Y/n said before leaving the building to chase after Five.

"Five?" Y/n called out as she opened the door that lead to the alleyway. She saw Five turning the corner of the building and running off. "Five, come back," Y/n called as she jogged after the boy. "Five where are you going?" She panted finally catching up to the boy. "I saw Lila," "Oh then what are you doing standing here, let's go," The two ran after the mysterious girl who was causing problems for them.


"What the hell is she doing?" "I have no idea, but it ends now," The two went over a plan to take over the mole before going into the warehouse. "Okay, you go hide and I'll take care of her," Y/n nodded and went to go find a place in the warehouse to hide while Five spacial jumped into the warehouse to chase after Lila. "What's your game, crazy lady?" "Who cares? You said if you and your little girlfriend saw me again, you'd kill me," Lila said with a taunting smile on her face. Five remembered his words and made it clear he would do so. "Okay, so come on big talker. Let's see what you got," Five spacial jumped behind her and was going to strike her, but she had already landed the first hit with a kick.

The two ran further into the warehouse and began to go at it. Meanwhile, Y/n was hidden behind some tanks ready to attack. Lila had dodged all of Five's attacks miraculously. "What the hell," Five panted as he noticed she was teleporting. Her fighting style had felt all too familiar to the former assassin. Something was definitely up. "Y/n!" Five called out. With that signal, Y/n had uncovered from her hiding spot and attached one of her strings to a random metal object on one of the tables and hit Lila with it before attaching the rest of her strings to her and pulling her on the ground. Five walked up to the lady and put his foot over her throat, stopping her from attacking them any further and Y/n kneeled and watched the struggling lady.

"You can come out now," Five called out. Y/n looked up confused, but all of her questions were answered the lady she hated the most revealed herself. Dressed up in a faux fur coat paired with her signature red heels. The Handler. "Well done, you figured it out," "It wasn't very hard. She fights like every one of you Commission drones," Five said still keeping eye contact with Lila. "Yet she still lost," Y/n taunted as she played with Lila's bangs. "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you," Lila grunted trying to push Five's foot off her neck. Five went on to praise the Handler for planting Lila in the ut house with Diego.

"Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," "She's your?" The Handler finished his sentence, "Daughter, yes. And she's my only one, so I would appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe and have your friend kill her," "That's not gonna stop me," Y/n said standing up. Five sighed and let his foot off her neck making her cry out. "I'm going to so enjoy killing you two someday," "Mmm, I can't wait," Y/n smirked pushing her away from Five. "Lila, would you give us a moment?" "Yes, the grown up's need to talk," Lila scoffed and walked off throwing something on the floor in the process.

"What is it that you want?" "Do you Like jazz, Five?" The Handler asked completely dismissing the question he had asked. "Jazz is like a beautiful woman. Complex, emotional, hard to please, she doesn't just give it to you, she makes you work for it," Five and Y/n were growing impatient with the older woman. The Handler then went on to explain how under her leadership, the Commission would be a lot more harmonious. A lot like jazz. "What about the board of directors?" Five queried. "That is where you two come in," "No, No it isn't," Five denied instantly catching on to Handler's request.

She started to explain the benefit of working with her, and it was right up Five's alley. A way to get home. At a price of course. "What about world war III that's going to kick off in just a couple days?" "Gone. Once you leave it will cease to exist," Y/n questioned about the apocalypse that was due in 2019, which was also answered. Five was skeptical and rightfully so, but deep done her was scared that this was his only option. "What about the board of directors? I mean nobody even knows who they are or what they look like," "You're right, but once every fiscal quarter, they get together for a board meeting," She went on to explain how closely guarded the meeting was and how they were always different. But of course, that was not a problem, for she had the information on the upcoming meeting.

"We'll need some time to think about it,"

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