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"Why are we here again? I thought it wasn't safe to come back," Y/n asked she followed Five up the stairs of the academy. "To see someone," Was all Five said as he walked down the hall. Y/n trailed behind him until he reached a room. Five looked around taking note of the bloody bathtub and bloody footprints that lead to Klaus's room. He was about to tell Y/n to back away and keep her distance, but it was too late for she had already caught a whiff of blood. "Y/n are you okay?" She nodded holding her bloodlust back as much as she could. Five nodded and went up to Klaus's door.

"You okay?" He asked as he knocked on the man's door. Klaus turned to the door to see his brother and his friend. "Yeah, I'm fine. just had a long night," Five chuckled and licked his lip. "More than one from the looks of it," Klaus sighed and finished putting on his t-shirt with ragged breaths. "I don't remember the dog tags," "Oh they belonged to a friend," Five nodded. It was obvious Klaus was lying, but Five wanted to get him to admit what both of them knew. "And the tattoo?" "I honestly don't even remember getting it," Klaus let out a breathy chuckle as he held out his arm showing off the tattoo.

"You did it. Didn't you?" Klaus tried to act clueless, not wanting Five to ask him any more questions. "I can tell by the symptoms, Klaus," Five said walking into his room. Y/n wandered off into the bathroom which Klaus had left bloodied from his previous bath. She examined the blood print of the bathtub feeling her bloodlust grow stronger. She reached her hand out wanting to touch it, she wanted to feel it on her fingertips. She felt her heartbeat grow faster and louder, so much that she could hear it in her own head.

"Y/n!" Y/n snapped out of her trance and turned around to see Five standing at the end of the hallway. "Get away from there, It's dangerous. Come with me," Y/n whined and pouted as she walked out of the bathroom and followed Five to his room. She sat in the chair by his bed and watched him rummage through the things on his desk. He picked up a piece of chalk and began drawing out math equations on his childlike walls. Y/n watched him, emersed in the sound of him mumbling and the sound of chalk tapping the walls as he wrote out equations and possible theories.


"Five, it's been almost 3 hours, don't you think you should take a break?" Y/n asked as she tiredly got out of her seat to stretch for the 5th time. "I know, but I think I've got something. Come take a look," Y/n walked over to where he was standing and looked at the wall. "Uhm, Five? I don't understand what any of this means. I haven't taken a math class in 40 years, and I'm terrible at math. I need some translating please," Five sighed and shook his head. "You see I was able to calculate our timeline with a different timeline and then the timeline of when the apocalypse to create this probability map, "

"What's going on in here?" The two turned around to see Luther standing in the doorway examining Five's walls that were covered in equations and theories. "It's a probability map," Five said going back to working his many equations. "Probability of what?" Luther asked as he walked into Five's room. "To see who needs to die in order to save the world," Y/n said watching Five work. "I've narrowed it down to four," "So you're saying that one of those four people cause the apocalypse?" Five shook his head, "No, I'm saying their death might prevent it, " He said before going back to writing down more information.

"I'm still not following," "Yeah, to be honest, I'm still lost." Five sighed and turned to the two, "Okay, time is fickle. The slightest alteration in events could an inordinate amount of outcomes," He began to explain. "The butterfly effect," Y/n let out a gasp, "Oh I know what that is!" "See, now all I have to do is find the person with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them." Y/n clapped at the boy's small explanation. "I wanna do that part! It's not fair you get to have all the fun," Five let out a breathy chuckle and got down from his bed. He pulled out a book and pencil from his nightstand drawer and began to write in it. Luther went around his bed to get a closer look at the names that Five had circled on his wall.

"Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?" "I believe he's a gardener," Five said as he glanced up at the wall. "Ou! do you think we could ask him for some plants before we kill him? I've always had a green thumb," Y/n giggled. "Wait, this is madness Five. You- Where'd you get that?" Five had pulled out a large duffle-like bag from under his bed which contained different sets of firearms. "Oh my god," Y/n shrieked as her eyes set on the pieces Five was pulling out of the bag.

"This one is similar to the one I used at work. Nice shoulder fit, highly reliable," He said as he cocked the gun. "But he's an innocent man! You can't do this!" Five sighed and Y/n rolled her eyes. "Luther, It's basic math. his death could potentially save billions of lives," "Not to mention he would die anyway. Unless the apocalypse liked succulents he'd be dead in four days anyway,"
Y/n added. "We don't do this kind of thing?" "We are not doing anything. Me and Y/n are, and we don't need you to play superhero anymore," Five said as he gestured to Y/n and him.

"I can't let you go and kill innocent people. No matter how many live's you'll save," "Oh my god, blah blah blah. Are you done yet? Jesus christ you sound so stupid. I don't want my brother to kill one measly Gardner even though it could save the planet because it's wrong," Y/n mocked. Get a damn grip," "Come on," Five said as he began to make his way pit of his room. Luther sighed and grabbed the mannequin Five was so weirdly fond over and held it out the window. Five instantly turned around and pointed his gun at Luther.

"Put... her...down," "Put the gun down. You too, Y/n. I know you have your revolver on you. It's either her or the gun," Five trembled as he watched Luther hold out his most prized possession, while Y/n clenched her jaw. She held up her hand and quickly deployed her strings off her fingers. They attached to Luther making him drop the doll. Five quickly dropped the gun and teleported to the window to catch the doll in time. Y/n grabbed the gun off the floor and released her strings from Luther awakening from his trance.

"Do you really wanna keep doing this?" Y/n asked as she held onto the gun. Luther pulled the gun out of her grip and looked at Five. "I can do this all day," Five glanced at him and then focused his attention back on his doll. "I know you're still a good person. You too Y/n. Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything to come back and save us, but you're not on your own anymore. Let me help you. Both of you." Five pursed his lips and sighed, "There is one way,"

"But it's just about impossible."

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