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"You want me to protect Five and Y/n?" Lila asked as she sat in the chair of her mother's hotel room. "It's not that complicated, honey," "But if anyone deserves to die it's those two. I mean you said he was the most wanted man at the commission and not to mention you hate, Y/n and wanted her to have a long and painful death for assisting Five and now you want me to protect them?" Lila listed off. "I mean he's the reason you got demoted," "Be that as it may, they're both worth more to me alive," Her mom poured a glass of wine and swallowed her food.

"Look, if you want to kill someone why don't you kill Diego," Lila denied the offer and took a bite of her pancake. Lila went on to tell her about the men who tried to kill her and Diego at the mental hospital but was told they were a part of the job. "They could have killed me," "Trust me, If they wanted you dead, you'd be long gone by now little one," Lila expressed her dislike of the nickname her mother still called her. Her mother sighed and got up from the couch. "No one is trying to kill you," She reassured. "We're all working towards the same goal. Now, protect, Y/n and Five at all costs," Was all she said before walking off leaving Lila alone.


"How long are those two going to take?" Y/n questioned as she leaned on the side of the car next to Five. "Something's going on," Five mumbled. Just as he said that a hole was punched into the wall revealing Luther. Y/n and Five let out breathy chuckles as soon as they saw Luther looking at them. "Typical, Luther," Y/n said. "Well, looks like he's not coming with us. Let's just wait for, Vanya,"

Vanya walked out of the complex and was met with Five and Y/n. "Well, that clearly went well. Ready to go?" "I'm not going with you, I'm going back to the farm," She said as she walked back to the car. "What? Unacceptable, Vanya. We need to stick together," "Why? So I don't end the world again?" Y/n and Five's hearts dropped. "Shit," Y/n mumbled. "Were you even going to tell me?" Vanya asked clearly mad at the two teens. "You know what? In my defense, no. I mean can you blame me? When you get angry shit blows up," Vanya rolled her eyes. "Great. Are there any other family secrets you didn't mention?" She asked as she got in the car. "A buttload, Vanya, which I don't have the luxury of sharing right now. The-," Five sighed and knocked on the car window.

Vanya sighed and rolled it down, "The clock is ticking doomsday," Five sighed, "Just tell me when I need you, you'll be ready," "I can't help you, Five. I don't even know who I am," Vanya said as she started the car. You're our sister and a member of the Umbrella Academy. Whether you like it or not that's who you are," "That's who I was, new timeline, new me," She said before driving off. Five yelled after her but that didn't stop Vanya. "Don't worry," Y/n reassured. "She'll come around. Shes' just overwhelmed that's all," Five sighed and looked up to see Luther spying out of the hole he created in the wall. He flipped the two 'teens' off, causing Y/n to chuckle and reciprocate the action. "I wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted," Five tsked. "Come on, Y/n," Y/n and Five made their way back to Elliott's to try and figure out a plan.


"I can't believe you let her go," Diego said as Lila dressed his wound. "Well can you blame us? She can't remember anything before ending up here. She's gone through a hell of a lot," Y/n defended as she took a cup of coffee that Elliott was handing her. "She'll come around, I know she will," Five said as he paced through the living room. "What about the guys that went after her?" "The Swedes?" Five asked as he walked up to the spot on the floor Y/n where Y/n was sitting. "Yeah, how do you know if they're gonna go after her again?" "We don't. For all we know, they're still after us," Y/n said as she sipped her coffee. "Do you know who sent them?" "Oh, I have my suspicions,"

Y/n chuckled at Five's remark. "But right now, or priority is finding, Dad and getting answers. Cause everything else depends on it," Y/n scooted over to give Five some space to sit. "For the record, I found him already," Diego spoke up watching Lila. "But you let him go," Y/n scoffed. "He stabbed me," "I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge," Lila chuckled and held up her hand to give Five a high-Five. "Touch him and I'll chop off your hand," Y/n bluntly said as she took a sip of her coffee. Lila immediately lowered her hand and Five took a hold of Y/n's hand.

"Luckily, I know where he's going to be tonight," Five said handing him a piece of paper. "Where'd you get this?" "Found it at his office while he was ya' know, stabbing you," Y/n giggled and put her coffee cup down. Diego began to read off the invitation until he was stopped by Elliott. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter? Are you serious?" "Do you know him?" Five questioned. "Yeah, Hoyt is one of the majestic twelve," "What the hell is the majestic twelve?" Diego queried. Elliot began to explain who the mysterious group was leaving no question unanswered. He filled in gaps and even gave photographs as evidence.

"Now, I'm not good with numbers, but I only count 11," "That's because they've only identified 11," Elliot informed. "Who's the twelfth?" Diego asked. Y/n gasped softly and glanced at Five and Diego. The three shared glances each knowing what they were saying to each other.

A lot of things can go unsaid in a single glance.

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