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"Ben," Klaus breathed. "Is that really you?" Luther asked as he inched closer to get a better look at the man. "And who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Diego shouted as he looked at the figures standing on the balcony. "They are the Sparrows," Reginald answered. "My children," Y/n glanced at Five who had a confused expression. "I'm sorry, what do you your children?" Five asked. "That's not possible old man," "Of course it is! I think I'd know, wouldn't I?" Reginald said in a matter-of-factly tone. "Everyone else is seeing Ben, right?" Klaus deflected. "Cute hat, sundance," Ben commented in a snarky tone. "They call themselves, The Umbrella Academy," Reginald said to the Sparrows.

"A group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas," Reginald explained. "Be warned, they claim to be my spawn," "Claim? Look, Five, what the hell is going on?" Allison asked as she turned to the boy. "I don't know yet, but it's concerning," "Is he telling the truth?" One of the Sparrows asked. "Not the part about us being perfidious," Vanya answered. "Yeah, were amateur-fidious, at best," Klaus interjected. "But we are his children and this is our house," "Yeah, yeah. We, we...we grew up here," Luther spoke up. "Yeah, we grew up here," Another Sparrow mocked. His skin looked like it had melted and he had curly hair.

"I kind of think we would have noticed you," Another spoke up. She had long brunette hair with blonde tips. Luther may have fallen at first sight, because he instantly tried to introduce himself to the woman. "Okay, none of you belong here," Allison exclaimed. "Oh! well then. I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out," Another woman spoke. She wore sunglasses that were hiding her clawed eyes underneath. A floating cube began to make chirping noises and all of the sparrows laughed. "You slay me, Chris,"

"I wasn't expecting company," Everyone turned to see that Grace was holding a plate of seemingly perfect cookies. "This is the best I could do on, Short...short...sort notice," She said glitching in between her words. "Mom," Diego gasped. "Mom? She's a robot, you perv," "hey, don't you call him that," Luther defended. "or what?" Ben threatened."Come closer and find out," Vanya tried to get the two to stand down but no one was listening as the other began to speak over her. "Enough!" The leader shouted ending the conversation. "I don't know what circus you escaped from, or how you got past our security. But we're done here. You have 30 seconds to get out of our house," "And if we don't?" Allison asked. "Then we'll have to settle this the old fashion way,"

"Look, we just fought a literal army," Vaanya spoke up. "Okay? This doesn't need to get ugly. Let's all just calm down, and talk," Klaus whispered to Ben and told him how he looked so much better alive than dead, despite his haircut. "What the hell did you just say?" "Oh come on, stop with all the hostility,Mr. Grumpy Pants," Klaus said as he inched closer to the man. "Oh wow, nice scar. Muy macho," Klaus admired. "Shut your mouth!" "You shut your mouth and just hug your brother," Klaus was cut shirt with a hard punch to the face by the angry man. Y/n gasped and went to go check on her friend.

"Hey you didn't have to do that!" Luther scolded.They began to argue again and everyone was shouting over each other. The leader had enough and landed a kick on Luther making his fly across the room. Y/n looked up to see the giant man flying towards her and Klaus and quickly moved out the way before he landed on her and the man. Luther landed on Klaus tipping the couch over. "Bad touch! Luther, bad touch!" Klaus groaned. Everyone ushered into he other room as they all began to fight with each other. Y/n stood on the sidelines as watched everyone battle it out with each other.

"My turn," Vanya grunted as she began to power up. But one of the Sparrows quickly used her power against her and threw her again the wall. "Art snob, huh?" Y/n finally decided to join in on the action and released her strings on the girl that made her friend float. She lifted the girl in the air and detached her strings right when she reached a high enough point. The woman felt to the floor with a loud thud and let out a groan in pain. "Not so fun now is it?" "Woah I like your power," A man said as he looked at Y/n. "But I definitely do not like you," He was about to land a punch on Y/n, before Five spacial jumped in front of her and quickly spacial jumped them out.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Y/n groaned as she got up. "No problem, darling," Five sighed whilst getting up. "Hey, short pants. What's up?" A girl taunted as she walked up to the two. "Shouldn't you two be at day care or something?" Five spacial jumped to the girl and punched her in the face making her fall to the ground. The girl grunted and spat something at the boy, but Y/n was quick to shield it with her arm. "You're disgusting," Y/n cringed as she tried to clean off her jacket. Everything paused and Y/n's brain began to feel fuzzy. "Holy shit," She looked up and saw Five in a suit holding a briefcase. "We can go anywhere you want my love," He said with soft eyes and a warm smile. "As long as I'm with you I would go anywhere," She said as she walked up to the boy.

"What did you do to her?" Five asked as he walked up to the space out girl. "Y/n?" Five called out to her. She was still spaced out and had a dreamy smile on her face. "Y/n, snap out of it," Five said as he slightly shook her. Five was so distracted trying to get Y/n to wake up he did not even realize the woman had snuck up behind him. "Here, maybe this will wake her up," She Kicked Five in the back making him fall forward and push Y/n down the stairs and him falling after her. Once they landed on the floor Y/n let out a loud groan. "What the hell just happened?" She grunted as she got back on her feet. "Dosen't matter, we gotta go get the others and get out of here,"

The two went around the house trying to find everyone. "Allison c'mon we gotta go!" Y/n shouted as she ushered the woman to keep running. They ran through the halls until they found Luther. He was crouched down taking to one of the Sparrows. "Luther, we're leaving!" Five shouted as he ran past the man. "C'mon, ape boy, let's go!" Y/n shouted. as she pushed the man. The two stopped in their tracks they heard crows screeching. "Seriously?" Luther groaned. The continued to run as the crows followed them. "The briefcase!" Five quickly spacial jumped leaving the other. "I hate that he can do that!" Luther scolded.

"The door! Over here!" Allison directed. "You guys go ahead," Y/n said before turning around and attaching all ten of her strings on all the birds and shoving them into a wall. She quickly took her opportunity to join Allison and Luther behind the door. "I think we lost them," Y/n panted as she tried to catch her breath. SHe spoke too soon because the murderous crows began to peck at the wood, destroying it in an instance. "What do we do now?" Allison panicked.

"Haul ass!"

(Man, talk about a family reunion!)

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