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"Who's the mother?" Y/n asked as she gestured to a kid behind her. "Lila's," Y/n's eyes widened and she let out a stifled laugh. "Woah, Lila's here?" Five asked. Y/n's attention peaked. She turned to Diego and listened to him breaking the news about how she dropped his kid off and left without a trace. Well, not without a trace, but without a kid. "I don't care much for that one," Klaus admitted. "Well, technically she is family," Klaus defended by recalling the recent events of Lila trying to kill them.

"I'm kinda on Klaus's side here," Y/n motioned to Klaus. "I mean she did try and make me kill you using my power," Y/n sided. "I mean, if she's gonna try and kill us all she could at least be original at it," Five shrugged his shoulders loosely. But family is family and to him, blood is thicker than water, even if you tried to down them i isn it. The boy set his mimosa on the table and left to the dar to grab a napkin and a drink for her, but Y/n took her chance and drained the glass of its alcoholic contents before Five could come back. He came back and saw his empty glass and looked at Y/n who has a smile decorating her face. "Did you get me a round two?" She joked as she glanced at the champagne glass he was holding in his hand. "No, I got me a round one," He said taking a seat beside her while sipping his drink.

"Where's Luther?" A voice asked. "Probably hanging from a tree, or whatever people with monkey DNA do," Y/n said before getting up from her seat and going to the bar to grab another mimosa. "Love the haircut," Klaus complimented Vanya as he looked at her. Vanya didn't say anything, but a smile was apparent on her features. "So I, uh, talked to Marcus last night," Diego was in disbelief that Vanya went by herself to talk to the "enemy". "Who elected you, Vanya?" He asked.

She stayed quiet and pursed her lips before letting out a small sigh. "It's Viktor," "Who's Viktor?" Viktor had gone on to explain how they were Viktor and he had always been. Y/n gave the man a soft smile and began to feel her eyes well up as she looked at him. She got up from her seat and went to embrace him in a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Vik," Y/n praised as hugged the man. He hugged the girl back, feeling a large weight lift off his shoulders as he embraced the girl the others at the table had congratulated him on finding his identity.

"Truly happy for you, Viktor. But last time I checked you don't speak for this family," Five said with a stern face. Viktor explained the details of the conversation they had last night. He explained how The Sparrows did not want to go to war and how they just wanted the whole debacle to end. "You can't say they don't want to kill us after what happened yesterday," Y/n commented as she sipped her mimosa. "Y/n's right! They tried to kill us," Diego agreed. "Well sp did Lila, and you had a kid with her," Klaus remarked making Y/n let out a stifled laugh.

"We made a deal," Viktor told them about how The Sparrows would give The Umbrella's the briefcase back and then leave once they had it," Y/n and Five glanced at each other. "Maybe we should have you speak for us more often, Vik," Y/n said as she let out a breathy chuckle. He had accomplished more than what the others would have and Y/n was thoroughly impressed. So was Five. But of course, Diego had to interject. He began to tell them how the whole thing was just a lure to get them all in one spot to take them out. He then proposed an idea where they turned back time and wiped them out.

"You can never try and change one plan, can you?" Y/n asked stunned how Diego had managed to try and be the hero. Viktor quickly told him how they were not going to be doing that. "The only thing you're gonna do is bond with your spawn," Klaus said as he patted Diego on the shoulder. Viktor told them how he was going to pick up the briefcase and then they would all jump. Five opposed the idea. "This is a perfectly acceptable timeline," "Yeah. Five and I finally get to do fun things," Y/n added. "Yeah, well tell that to Allison who's upstairs mourning her daughter," Diego agreed and added how they were already replaced.

"You're just mad you got your ass beat by a tissue box," Y/n said with an amused smile. Five told them how it wasn't about them and there was no doomsday, so there was no need to go timeline hopping again. "And I'm officially retired, and would very much like to spend time with my girlfriend," "Are you just saying that so you can go copulate with Y/n in the baths again?" Klaus asked. Y/n scoffed. "Mind your business," She got up shortly after the boy and walked off with him leaving the others behind.

"So, what do you wanna do first?" Y/n asked asked he grabbed the boy's hand. "I've always wanted to go to a farmer's market," Five smiled and he interlocked his fingers with hers. "We can go to as many farmer's markets as you'd like," Y/n smiled. She had been waiting for a day like this to happen. "We should also find a coffee shop that has good coffee," She mentioned. "I know the hotel doesn't exactly have the best coffee," Five smiled. He loved that she knew what type of coffee he liked and ho she knew he wouldn't like the blend just by tasting it.

"I think I'm gonna pawn my necklace to get us a room," Y/n said as she looked at the gold chain around her neck. "I know Allison wants to be alone and I don't think the three stooges would like it if I were in their suite," She explained. "Plus, I don't think I would like being in there. I can just imagine the smell," Five let out a small chuckle. "Are you sure?" She nodded and took off the piece of jewelry. "Yes, i am 100% sure,"

"Come on, retirement awaits,"

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