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Everyone sat in the lobby of the hotel and tried to think about the situation they were going through. Everyone was very confused and very frustrated. "I'm so confused," "Well someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly, we do exist, and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem," Five agreed. "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" Diego reprimanded his son. Y/n let out a stifled laugh. "Mom said I need to practice," "She's not wrong. You're very bad," Diego agreed.

"Okay hold on. Five, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean?" Allison asked. Five did not have an answer for her, only that things were starting to disappear, and it was only a matter of time till things got worse. "A feeling?" Allison said with a dry chuckle. "Aren't you supposed to be retired?" "I want nothing more," Five sighed already frustrated. "You know you can't keep dragging us through hell just because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch and expect us to deal with the fallout. You're not the boss!"

"Fine, I'm not the boss. I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming," Allison told Five that they should just get the briefcase from the Sparrows and go home, but where they were was their home. Whether she could accept it or not. Y/n watched Allison with a death glare as she held back her words. Allison had no idea what Five had to go through to give their family so many undeserved chances and Allison being ungrateful just because things were not how she wanted them angered her.

"Wait, where's Lila?" "Shower, I told her she could stay with us," Stanley told Five. Y/n and Five exchanged glances and she got up from her chair and followed the boy out. "Five where are you going?" "To go talk to someone who only has half her head up her ass," Klaus called out for the two as he watched them leave.

"No Klaus, we're leaving,"

As Five and Y/n walked through the old halls of the hotel Y/n kept glancing at Five. "What's wrong?" Five asked noticing the girls glances. "I'm tired," She admitted. "I am too, once we finish talking to Lila we can—" "I mean I'm tired of this," Y/n said as she motioned to the place around her. Five let out a sad sigh. "I know, I am too," He admitted sadly. "I wanted nothing more for us to go to all your boring destinations across the world and retire with you," Y/n sulked as she looked at the boy. "But now we're stuck dealing with another timeline issue and your ungrateful siblings," Five let out a breath.

As much as he hated it, Y/n was right. He just wanted to retire and leave his troubled past behind him, but it was always one step ahead. "I promise we're going to fix this, and next thing you know. We'll be in San Antonio looking at the Alamo," Five reassured as he grabbed Y/n's hand. A small smile graced Y/n's lips and she nodded. "Let's go talk to the crazy woman and get this over with," she said before giving Five a quick kiss on the cheek.

The two made their way to the baths and found Lila soaking in one of them.

"The hell are you doing in here?" Five asked, making their presence known. "Shaving my nest," Lila said lowering her leg back into the bath. "You little perv," "Don't flatter yourself, Lila. I already have my own woman, thank you very much," Five told the woman. "Hello, crazy lady," Y/n greeted as she looked at the woman. "We're learning so much about each other, aren't we?" Lila said as she reached for her towel. Before Y/n and Five could say anything else, Lila threw a dagger at them.

Y/n moved out of the way and Five spacial jumped to the other side of the bath house. Lila mimicked his powers and spacial jumped behind him and threw him into the mirror behind them. When Five had regained his balance and got back on his feet he was ready to fight Lila. But it was a bit distracting because she was wearing no clothes. Five avoided any sort of eye contact with her body, and it was easy, because she kept hitting him.

Five grabbed a nearby towel and used it to strangle her when she went in for another hit. Lila got out of his hold by spacial jumping back to the bath house entrance where her dagger was still lodged in the wooden door. Y/n quickly detached one of her strings and grabbed the knife from the door before Lila could get to it. Lila tried kicking Y/n, but Y/n attached one of her strings to her ankles and pulled her from underneath making her fall to the ground. Lila took her chance and used her powers to mimic Y/n and pull her down to the floor as well. Lila quickly got up and kicked Y/n in the stomach while she was still on the floor.

Y/n grunted in pain and Lila stepped on her wrist causing Y/n to scream out in pain. Lila grabbed the dagger from Y/n's hand and kicked her aside. She made eye contact with Five and spacial jumped back to him and began to swing the pointed object at the boy. Lila kicked him and he hit her in the face with the palm of his hand, disorienting her for a split second. Five quickly grabbed the towel tray from the ledge of the bath and used it as a shield from Lila's dagger. The woman stabbed through the tray and Five strained against her strength to disarm her.

He was able to throw the tray that had the dagger in it off to the side, disarming the woman. They continued to land jabs and kick on one another. Five grabbed some shampoo nearby and squirted it into her face, instantly blinding her. Five kicked her in the face

"Alright enough!" Lila forfeited.

Five panted trying to catch his breath and Y/n limped over to the two. "I forgot how much I hated you puny little turds," Lila grunted as she wrapped a towel around her body. "The feeling's mutual, Lila," Five sighed as he sat on the ledge of a nearby bath. Y/n sat beside him and rubbed her face. "As much as I'd love to stand here shivving each other, I have bigger concerns than you,"

"Yeah? Like what?"

Five asked her about the grandfather paradox and if she knew anything about it. Lila did not know anything about the time apocalypse but wondered why the boy wanted to know about it. "Because it's happening," Five told her. Lila did not believe him at first, but Five needed her briefcase to go to the commission and get all these things sorted out. "Over there with my knickers," she told them. "Toss them to me, will you?" Y/n went over to where the briefcases were and tossed the girl her clothes. "Why are there two briefcases?" Y/n asked as she set them on the bathtub ledge.

"One is yours, kicked it from the Sparrows," she told them. "Go on. Give it a go," Y/n handed the briefcase to Five and he opened it up, but nothing happened. The machine sputtered then powered down. "And then we try mine," Lila sighed as she watched Five frantically open the second briefcase. The briefcase, similar to the first. Sputtered then powered down. Leaving Five extremely confused and now worried. "The odds of one of the briefcases failing, it's in the millions," Five stressed. "But two of them—""—astronomical," Lila finished Five's sentence.

"So, what does that mean, exactly?" Y/n asked looking at the two. "End of the world?" Lila questioned. "Much worse than that," Five said as he closed the briefcase and placed it on the floor. "It means we are gonna have to work together,"


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