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"This room is so ugly," Y/n chuckled as she walked inside the suite she was sharing with her friends. "But at least it's not too small," Vanya sighed as she looked around the room.  The room had three beds lined the wall, and the girls couldn't be happier to see them. They all plopped onto a bed and let out a sigh of relief. "Last night i was sleeping in my own bed next to my amazing husband," Allison reminisced as she stared at the ceiling.  "I had an amazing father figure 2 days ago," Y/n sighed as she kept her eyes on the ceiling.

 "I kissed Sissy goodbye a couple hours ago," Vanya shared as she stared at the ceiling. "I'm glad you finally found someone that treated you right," "She saw me for who I really am.  I'm not ready to give that up yet," Vanya confessed.  "I feel the same way about Ray," Allison admitted. "Well, it's better this way. They're not in the middle of a superhero turf war." Y/n tried to be optimistic even though she knew Elliot had died because of her.  "You need to go home," Vanya told Allison. "Hug your daughter," Allison sat up and looked at the others.

 "What if Diego is right and the Sparrows attack?" "We fought the entire commission. I mean we can handle, what? Seven jerks in uniforms?" Vanya's right," Y/n agreed. "They just caught us off guard," Allison still continued to think about the probability of them coming back. "You should go to the airport and get back to your real life," Vnaya said as she sat up. "I would if I could," Y/n nodded in agreement. Allison got up from her bed and went over to hug Vanya. She glanced at Y/n and signaled her to come join them. 

"You're a good sister," She smiled. "And you're a good friend," Allison told Y/n. Once Allison let go she gave the girls one final goodbye before leaving. Vanya and Y/n looked at each other and gave a warm smile. "I gonna go look for Five, I'll give you some alone time," Vanya nodded and said her goodbye's to her friend as she left, leaving her alone in the suite. 


"You should try chewing, you might actually taste the food," Y/n and Five joined the rest of the party at the table where they were eating. "What's wrong?" Luther asked with a mouthful of food as he looked at his brother. "You look happy, you both look happy," Y/n smiled as she glanced at Five. "I am plenty happy," Five sighed. "And by the look of Y/n's face and your current fashion statements. I think I know why you're plenty happy," Klaus chuckled. Y/n stuck her tongue out at the man and turned back to Five. 

"So I've been thinking through our little time snafu and I'm pleased to report that in my professional, expert opinion. We are totally in the clear," The boys expressed their happiness, glad that they now could rest. "I mean, there is one... small thing, but it's nothing we can't manage,"  Y/n grabbed a pair of chopsticks and handed them to FIve who was now eyeing all the tasty dishes in front of him. "Wel, spit it out, boomer!" Diego exclaimed as bits of food flew out of his mouth. 

Y/n grimaced in disgust as she saw the bits of food land on the table. "Fine, Diego, it's like this. Dad didn't adopt us as babies but those babies still existed here," "Aww!" Y/n smiled. "I would love to see baby you," Five rolled his eyes and continued to explain. "We just grew up in different places," "So?" Luther questioned. "So where are they now? Odds are, we each have identical versions of ourselves walking around out here living completely different lives," Luther gasped. "Our doppelgangers!" "That's a made-up word," Klaus dismissed.

 "No, no! I learned all about this in Texas. Tell him about the paranoid psychosis, Five," "Woah, Woah, Woah! I thought you said this wasn't a problem," Diego pointed his chopstick at the boy. "Okay, technically, if you're near your doppel for long enough, you'll go insane. So if you ever see your other self--" "Kill them," "Sleep with them," Klaus and Diego finished. "Avoid them,"  Five corrected as he gave weird looks to his siblings. "What the hell is wrong with you," Luther asked. "Oh come on, as if you wouldn't climb Luther Mountain," Luther seemed to start thinking about the narrative while Diego asked about the possibilities of crossing paths with themselves. 

"Easy, we're the Benetton ad of superheroes, born all round the world until Dad brought us here. Which he no longer did. Doppels probably aren't even in the same time zone as us," Five reassured. "Well I don't know about that," Y/n said as she thought about her upbringing. "I was born in New York because my parents moved here before having me. But who knows," Y/n shrugged. As Y/n and Five began to eat Klaus began to talk about how he was slightly offended that their kidnapping had little to no effect on the timeline.

"Okay while you guys hang out of whatever you guys do, I'm gonna go to the gym," Y/n said taking the last couple of bites of her food. "Since when have you been a gym rat?" Luther asked as he looked at the girl. "Since the world wasn't ending. What, you think you're the only one with a physique to obtain?" Y/n joked with a breathy chuckle. She turned to Five and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You can join me in the bath later," Y/n told him before giving him a kiss on the cheek and leaving. Klaus and Luther now had their eyes on the boy and Klaus had a smirk.

"What?" "It's not even easter yet and you two are already acting like rabbits," Luther choked on his food at Klaus's statement while Five grimaced. "We haven't even done anything," Five told them. Klaus gave the boy a slug look knowing that he was lying. "Look even if we have done something, which we haven't. It's none of your business," Klaus let out a breathy chuckle. 

"They grow up so fast,"

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