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"If you tell boss man that I escaped next time I come back I'll kill you and everyone you love. Got that?" Jim nodded with fear in his eyes as he watched Y/n load her gun and clip up her hair. "Did you take my backpack?" Jim shook his head rapidly too scared to speak to the 'younger'. Y/n scanned the room until her eye caught sight of the pocket knife that laid on which she was guessing was, Clyde's. She grabbed it and walked up to Jim.

"Try not to make much noise," She smiled as she unfolded the knife. She grabbed his arm and made a cut into it making sure the wound dripped blood. She dragged her finger through the fresh blood and stared at it. She licked his fingers as she stared into Jim's eye. A deranged smile plastered on her face. She dipped her finger in the blood again and wiped her fingers on his face making his eyes swell with tears. Now that her bloodlust was off the charts she was ready to fully escape and find the only boy on her mind.

"Okay, I'm off," she said as she grabbed the bag that contained her gun Jim's wallet another gun and some spare bullets. Before she walked out she took the lollipop that laid on an empty desk and put it in her mouth. "Better hope I never see you again!"


"I'm afraid that's not procedure," Five pursed his lips before turning to The Handler wh caught him in the act. "Five, meet, Gloria. She one of the lore important cogs in our machine," Gloria chuckled clearly flustered by the compliment she had received. If that's what you could call it. "Look at you," She smiled, "Deadly little thing." The Handler passed the message holder to Gloria, "I'm so glad we closed the contract on you life." She smiled. "I'm afraid your reputation proceeds you, and it looks like you're building on it here."

She unrolled the note Five had tried to send and read it aloud, "Karl Webber? Now tell me, why unfortunate, Karl?" Five went on to explain how if Karl died his meat shop would be passed onto his son with poor hygiene, causing a captain get food poisoning which then delayed the take off because he's not able to come into work. Once the plane's take off happens it flys through a front of high charge and humidity. Then causing it to explode.


"Five?" Y/n called out as she entered the academy. "Five where are you?" "Y/n?" She turned thinking it was him, but was met with disappointment when she realized it was just, Pogo. "Oh... Hi, Pogo," "What are you doing here, Y/n? Aren't you supposed to be with Master Five?" Y/n sighed as tears started to swell in her eyes.

"I lost him, now I can't find him," She cried. Pogo's face softened as he heard Y/n cry. "I'm sorry to say, Y/n, but Five is not here,"
Y/n's heart dropped among hearing those words. "But do please stay until he comes back," Y/n sighed and nodded. Pogo gave her a pat on the back before walking off and leaving her alone. She trudged to the couch and plopped down. She didn't have a way to contact Five, she didn't even know where he was at. All she knew was that she felt hopeless.


"Care for dessert?" "No thank you," Five sighed as he put down his glass of water. "I had a bad twinkie in the apocalypse once, kind of put me off desserts." "Please, indulge me," Five sighed as he reluctantly grabbed a piece of candy that was on Handler's desk. He unwrapped it and swiftly popped it in his mouth. The Handler watched as she lit up her cigarette. "What does that taste like to you?" Five moved the candy around in his mouth trying to pinpoint where he had tasted the flavor before.

"1950's?" "Precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade in a single candy," She grabbed a piece of the century candy, "This one here is modeled after the Fudge Mutt. America's favorite in 1955," Five nodded and raised his eyebrows. "Remarkable," "You'll be happy to know it's the very same division that's building your new body. As. We. Speak," She said tapping her desk for a more dramatic effect.

"Which remindeds me, I have something for you," She said. She pressed her intercoms button and ordered for her assistant to come up and bring something.
A short moment later footsteps were heard approaching. A lady with brunette hair wearing a bright blue pan suit walked in holding a big grey box. "Go ahead. Open it," She said as she leaned on her desk. Five got up and opened the box. Inside was suit that was probably 4 times his size.

"Clothes make the man, Five. Won't it be nice once you can actually wear it?" Five pulled the blazer out of the box to get a closer look at it. "Very soon I assure you. They're perfecting your body as we speak." Five pursed his lips, "Thank you, A very kind gift," He put the suit back in its box and closed it. He turned around and pointed to something on display in the back of The Handler's office.

"Is that a chinese flame thrower?" "Good eye." Give went up to examine the ancient artifact, "War," The Handler breathed. "Such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for a permanent human flaw. Course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,000 feet," The Handler went on about how she had collected all of her artifacts from some of her missions in different places in time.

"This, is my most noteworthy item. A Walther pistol. The very one, Hitler used to kill himself," She said as she showed Five the item. "We're not supposed to take these types of things, but it's not like he was gonna use it anymore..." She whispered. She pointed the gun to show Five how perfectly balanced the gun was. "Y/n would love that," He thought as he watched the Handler hold the gun. "Here," She handed the gun to him for him to look at it and fully fele how good the gun was.

"I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you,"

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