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Soulmates and soul enemies were a thing, for well forever.

Mondo had two names, one on each wrist. It was known one name was your sworn enemy and the other was your soulmate.

The two names he had were 'Taeko' and the other 'Kiyotaka'. It was also known when you met them their surname appeared so you knew you met the right person. Then after a month or so after meeting them their name disappeared.

Anyway, Mondo fully believed that 'Taeko' was his soulmate. He recognised immediately that one name was male and the other was female.

And he did not think he would be gay ever. Well, when he was younger he thought 'boys can't like boys' and that was it really. It was when he was older and more in middle school he actually thought about sexualities and things like that.

A few years passed by and he eventually found he had an acceptance letter from Hope's Peak, inviting him to go there as an Ultimate Student.

He gladly accepted and before he knew it, he was standing outside of the school with his stuff in hand. He walked into the school and noticed a lot of people there already. He estimated that there were around 11 of them and guess there should be a few more to come.

He assumed that they had to wait there before they could go any further. So he just stood leaning against a wall and didn't talk to anyone. Eventually four more people walked in and that seemed to be everyone. No one spoke for a while as they seemed to be unsure of what to do.

A boy who was wearing an all white uniform then spoke up. "Perhaps we should introduce ourselves to one another! I shall go first! I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru!" He said cheerfully.

Mondo realised what his name was and was about to look but then thought it could literally be anyone. Everyone introduced themselves to one another and introductions were out of the way. One thing Mondo noticed however was that Kiyotakas' face seemed to change to shock when Mondo introduced himself. So regretfully, Mondo pulled back his sleeve slightly and saw the name went from just 'Kiyotaka' to 'Kiyotaka Ishimaru'.

He rolled his eyes and decided to quickly check the other wrist, he hadn't met anyone with that name so doubted it would change. But he was wrong it now said, 'Taeko Yasuhiro'.

He assumed that he must have passed her on the way to the school. He gave a small groan and rolled his eyes then tried to ignore it. For the next few days Mondo was lucky he didn't have to talk to him. But if he was going to spend three years at the school he would have to eventually. And that eventually came around.

Mondo was sitting in a hallway in the middle of the night because he was bored and thought he had nothing better to do.

He heard some footsteps and immediately sized up, worried it may have been someone he could have gotten serious in trouble with. The students weren't allowed out of their dorms let alone in other parts of the school. But he saw it was Kiyotaka so didn't really care.

"Oh, hello Owada, how come you're out of your dorm?" He asked politely.

"Could ask ya the same fuckin thing," Mondo said angrily.

"I guess that's fair," Kiyotaka said laughing nervously, trying to ignore the fact Mondo was being unnecessarily rude. "Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Kiyotaka asked.

Mondo groaned and regretfully nodded. There was a little bit of awkward silence before Kiyotaka spoke up again. "How come you keep avoiding me?" Kiyotaka asked, sighing.

"Are ya seriously fuckin' askin' me that?" Mondo asked aggressively. "Yes I am, you're being unnecessarily rude and have constantly avoided me and when we have interacted you will not stop cursing at me and just being, well... a dick to put it simply," Kiyotaka said sternly.

"Well maybe it's cuz we're fuckin' 'soulenemies' or whatever the fuck it is," Mondo said rolling his eyes.

"Wait... what?" Kiyotaka asked, shocked, but then he started laughing. "Owada, I hate to break it to you but I met that person years ago in middle school, my 'soul enemy' as you said," Kiyotaka said then smiling.

"Huh? Are ya sure they weren't your soulmate?" Mondo asked, genuinely confused.

"Yes. I highly doubt my soulmate would bully me for my family name and try and beat the ever loving shit out of me because of that," Kiyotaka said laughing slightly.

"Wait, no offence but that means I have to be gay?!" Mondo exclaimed worriedly.

"Well, it's soulmates right? Not soullover, it means this could just be a platonic relationship if you really wish, but may I ask a question?" Kiyotaka asked.

Mondo nodded.

"What's so wrong about you being gay?" Kiyotaka asked sadly.

"Oh, well, nothin' I guess, it's just the environment I was raised in gay means bad and weak so," Mondo said sadly shrugging.

"Well if anyone ever tells you being gay makes you weak, you look them dead in the eye with the most intimidating look and say 'who here has had to grow up with pain just because I can't love who I want to? Who here is the one who has had to fight to love someone? Who here has had to face constant torment because of who I love? That's right me! Not you. So who's stronger here? Now take you and your homophobic ass and get the fuck out of here', and then they should give you no trouble!" Kiyotaka said proudly.

"I guess you're right." Mondo laughed.

"So this random girl I 'aven't met is my enemy then huh?" Mondo asked.

"Seems that way, but based on my limited knowledge about you, she won't give you too much trouble as it seems your very presence scares most people," Kiyotaka said smiling.

"How comes not ya huh?" Mondo joked.

"Trust me, if you ever wanted to get physical with me I would not care and I could probably be able to take you, I personally have nothing to fear," Kiyotaka said following Mondo's playful mood.

Mondo then leaned to the side and rested his head on Kiyotakas shoulder.

"Ya know, yer actually not too bad," Mondo said, his eyes closing slightly.

Kiyotaka looked at him with a soft expression, but then realised where they were.

"Mondo, I feel we should get back to our dorms," Kiyotaka said worriedly.

"Yeah yer probably right," Mondo said, regretfully lifting his head up. Kiyotaka stood and offered his hand out to Mondo.

They eventually arrived back at the dorms and said goodnight to each other before returning to their own dorm rooms.

Mondo didn't find out who Taeko Yasuhiro was, and when it finally disappeared, he just shrugged it off. Thinking it was a mistake or something.

He however did have a girl he hated and would constantly get into arguments with at Hope's Peak but her name was Celestia Ludenburg, so he just thought it may have meant to be her.

Until she came forward one day saying that her name wasn't actually Celestia Ludenburg but Taeko Yasuhiro.

So yeah, it finally made sense.

He tried his best to ignore her and he spent most of his time with Taka, a guy he thought he was supposed to hate but is now head over heels for.

But, he honestly didn't care, he finally learnt to accept himself as well thanks to Taka, so there were only positive outcomes... mostly, but he didn't have to see Taeko ever again after Hope's Peak so yeah after that then it was only positive outcomes. 

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