Comfort (Fluff)

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One thing Kiyotaka hated was sudden loud noises. During the simulation of the killing game some of the last things he heard was loud banging from several different things. So he was easily disturbed by them no matter if he were awake or asleep. So it was expected when in the middle of the night, a car going off while driving made him jolt up suddenly and be awoken. "Mondo?" Kiyotaka whispered out. There was a gentle hum that came from next him. "I heard another loud noise..." He trailed off clearly having something playing on his mind. "It's no big deal-" But Mondo cut himself off. There was rustling of bed sheets where he turned over to be facing Kiyotaka and he grabbed his hand and rubbed his thumb over it soothingly. "It's okay, nothing is here to hurt you. You're here now with me where you're safe," Mondo said with a smile. While he couldn't see it, Kiyotala nodded. " Can I have a hug please?" Kiyotaka asked, rubbing his eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to spill. "As long as ya come down here," Mondo said teasingly. "Mondo," Kiyotaka whined out, hiding a small giggle. Mondo sat up and comfortingly wrapped his arms around Kiyotaka who immediately melted into the hug. Mondo could tell however that Kiyotaka still felt down. He decided that he would kiss Kiyotaka on the jaw and lead down onto his neck. "Mondo this isn't the time for-" But he was cut off by Mondo then attacking him with kisses everywhere which caused Kiyotaka to burst out laughing. "Mondo!" He exclaimed through laughs. But Mondo continued on only wanting to hear that joyous and blissful laugh coming from Kiyotaka. Mondo stopped after a little bit to let them both calm down. Mondo layed back down, back facing Kiyotaka. He heard him let out a disappointed sigh."Taka, I know how much ya love playing with my hair," Mondo started but he didn't need to finish as he heard Kiyotaka excitedly move under the covers and felt hands in his hair. "I couldn't have got a better boyfriend could I?" Kiyotaka said softly. "Taka, now's not the time ta be cheesy," Mondo said, clearly embarrassed. "It's what you get when you're so supportive," Kiyotaka said with a smile. "I guess I can say the same for ya," Mondo said jokingly. Kiyotaka gave him a playful shove. After a while Kiyotaka broke the silence. "Mondo can you turn around?" He asked. Mondo did as requested and found Kiytoaka placing himself in Mondos arms but his back facing Mondo. Usually it was the other way around but obviously it was different. "Love you Mondo," Kiyotaka said, sounding sleepy. "Love ya too Taka," Mondo said while kissing Kiyotaka on the head slightly. He felt Kiyotaka snuggle up close to him which caused Mondo to hug him tighter.

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