Stupid Myths

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This is so long and I'm so sorry about that 💀

It was a stupid myth.

And I hated stupid myths.

I hated people who took advantage of those who were scared of something and twisted it to a myth.

So I was off to go prove this myth was fake.

This myth was that the abandoned house just on the outskirts of the town was overrun with a gang of vampires.

I knew that was fake.

One of my friends, Leon, was the host of this superstition in our year at college.

His boyfriend, Kazuichi, constantly fell for it and hung onto every word he said in fear.

My final friend, Chihiro, sided with me in not believing it, but was never vocal about it as they did enjoy some of the things Leon said as he said they were sometimes captivating.

Every time Leon told a stupid story Kazuichi would freak out and I'd try and reason with him and tell him Leon is just lying.

In the end, Leon eventually told me if I didn't believe it then I should look for myself.

My response to that may have been somewhat harsh as I told him to grow up and get over the myth for children.

But I'm my defence, we're all 20, I mean he's nearly 21 so I'm not wrong.

But he persisted.

So, I did give in and I said that I would investigate.

I was surprised however to see his response was shocked and somewhat nervous as if he believed his own stories.

I found myself on the edge of town mid afternoon as I had to do this today apparently meaning it had to be after school.

I started to go further from my home and closer towards "death" in Leon's opinion.

Within 5 to 10 minutes I got there.

The house was much bigger than I was told. It looked like it hadn't even been breathed near for years.

I decided to press my hand up against the door to fight it open, but I was surprised it opened with ease at the slightest touch.

I shrugged and walked inside and pulled out the camera Leon gave me.

He wanted photographic evidence of them not existing, which I thought was ridiculous considering that vampires aren't supposed to show up in mirrors and now have also been modified to photos as well. But Leon insisted. I was fine with that, because in the unlikely event that they do exist, they won't even show up on the camera.

I started going from room to room, examining every nook and cranny and snapping any shot I could get.

Eventually, I had completely explored the downstairs, so I made my way to the next floor.

The second floor seemed to host mostly empty bedrooms. Each looking somewhat similar. The odd other room just seemed to be studies and one bathroom.

I explored just how I did downstairs and snapped more shots.

And finally the third floor.

I walked up the stairs and got hit with a breeze. There were a couple of those while being here but this one was slightly stronger.

I reached the end of the stairs and found two smaller rooms. I explored them completely and took more photos.

All that was left now was the final room on that floor.

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