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two days had passed, and we were going to the air port. I had been assigned a far guard yesterday. His name was Jeremiah. He was an older man, but no older than 40. I also felt bad about not telling her about everything, but then again, she hasn't texted me at all. I wondered if she was just one of those friends who only enjoys your company when your there.

    We sat down in our seats in the plane. I wasn't a really big fan of planes, because I have always worried that something would go wrong and it would crash, but I guess there is no since on worrying about it.

    Ty and I sat there in silence for a few minutes, until it was time to take off.

"Please fasten your seat belts now. The plane will take off in 5 minutes."

The pilot announced.

     I suddenly got tense and started fiddling with the string on blue hoody.

"Scared of planes?"

Ty asked amused a little. He had a cheeky grin.

I smacked him on the shoulder playfully.

"I'm not that scared," I lied

"I just don't like taking off or landing."

     He grabbed my hand and chuckled.

"We're going to be fine."

   I nodded and sat back in my seat quietly.

      The pilot gave us another warning before we took off. Then, we started moving. I felt the plane suddenly we lifted up into the air. I didn't realize that I was squeezing Ty's hand until he  spoke up.

"Not that scared are we?" He laughed again.

I huffed. I couldn't help that I was scared. It was like a natural instinct. I mean really, What comes up must come down.

"How many times have you been on a plane?" I asked

He smiled and looked away so I could only see one side of his grinning face.

"About 30 times."

30 times! really!?

"Seriously? you've been on a plane 30 times? I've only been on one 2 times!"  I asked not believing him

He turned his head to me again.

"I have been to alot of places growing up."

"Wow." was all I said.

"ha ha, 2 times." He repeated.

"Yeah, you could say that I don't travel much."

I looked out the window to see the clouds floating quickly by my window.  I looked over at Ty.

" What are we going to do for 6 hours?" I asked him, hoping that I wasn't going to be bored the whole time.

"We could play I-spy?" Ty suggested

"really?  couldn't you think of anything better to do than I-spy?

"There is nothing else to do."

"Fine. You go first." I told him.

He looked around the seats. I saw him smirking.

"I spy something pink." He told me. I could see that he was trying not to laugh at whatever he saw.

l looked around not seeing anything pink. Ty was still trying not to laugh.

"Give me a hint?" I ask.

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