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My head...it hurts so much...

I crack open my eyes, squinting at the blinding light shining in my face. All I could see was white. What happened.

"Sir she's awake." The voice was faint.

I could hear footsteps around me, then a person with a blue coat and a mask leaned over me. He looked me up and down, touching my face and pinching my skin. I was too tired to care.

He stuck something in my ear, and took it out. I assumed it was a thermometer. Then he shined even more light in my eyes. Like I need anymore. I would go blind.

"Don't be afraid, we are just running some tests." The man in the blue coat said. His voice was very low,

Tests. What tests, why did I need to be tested.

"For...wh-what." I said groggily.

"I can't talk about that." He said and inserted something into my body.

Suddenly all the fatigue and grogginess went away. No way was I going to let this stranger test me. I waited for the right moment to turn. When he turned his back, I kicked him, knocking him into the wall, making him pass out. I pulled the Iv out of my arm and held pressure on it. I had to get out of here before the other people find me.

I ran down a dark hallway with the light of the red exit sign at the end. I heard doors open behind me. I quickly ducked to the cold ground. I heard loud voices from the distance.

"Doctor Alan!" A women yelled.

"Hurry get some ice, and cold water." Another voice said. "Wait , what about the girl. She escaped."

"Find her."

I slowly crawled to the exit, trying to be quiet while opening the door. It made a big screech. Surprisingly no one hear it or saw the light because they searched down the opposite hallway. Outside, I heard strange groaning sounds. It was deathly. On the fence to my right was a decayed person, crawling over. It clanked its teeth and desperately tired it get over, despite the Bob-wire that was tearing its flesh apart. It tumbled to the ground, slowly getting up. I had to think fast. I ran to a shed at the side of the huge building I was in, and locked the door. I flipped the lights on and looked out the window. The zombie was staggering its way over. I looked around, my breath short, and tried to find anything to defend myself with, there was a backpack on a table In the back of the shed. Inside it, a knife and a first aid kit. I got lucky.

I heard scratching on the door. It was desperately trying to get in and I knew the door wouldn't hold up forever. I had to kill it.

With a deep breath, and shaky hands, I opened the door and took a stab at its head. I missed and it pushed me back screeching as it tried to bite me. I held my hand on its head and attempted to stab it again, not missing this time. Blood spurted all over my white hospital found and in my hair. It dropped to the ground. I took deep and heavy breaths and stumbled out the door kneeling On the ground, coughing, while sucking in the dust on the ground, I felt bile rise up in my throat and I threw up. My head hurt so bad and I felt so weak.

The door of the exit rattled. I had to get up and move or else I would have To go back In that strange place.

"Where is she!" I heard voices yelling

I ram to the fence trying to climb it. It wasn't very pleasant with no shoes. The metal rings cut my toes, and fingers as I desperately tried to get away.

"There she is," the voice yelled. "Shoot her down!"

I panicked and grabbed on to the bob wire on the top, not caring that it was puncturing my hand. I groaned and got to the other side. I fell just as they were about to shoot.

How I Live Now (zombie apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now