figuring it all out

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I woke up to arms around me. I stared at the beautifully sculpted face of Ty's. His soft breath tickled my neck. Then I was snapped out of my fantasy, when I remembered. My mom. She was actually gone. she was never going to make me breakfast again, or talk about school drama, she was never going to go on long shopping trips looking for my prom dress. I would never see her again.

    At the thought of that, I instantly broke into tears. I carefully unwraped his arms from around my waist, and climbed over him as quietly as I could.  As soon as I stepped onto the floor, Ty woke up in an instant. I tried to calm my tears.

"Honna. You OK? Do you need somthing?" He asked, His voice husky and lower because it was morning.

I made it seem like I was happy

"I'm Just going to the restroom."

I didn't look at him.  I heard him get out of bed. Foot steps came up behind me and I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I felt a tear slide down my face almost ready to fall. My arms were trapped by his arms so I couldn't wipe it away. The tear fell on his arm, and he turned me around to look at him.

"Whats wrong, darlin?" His voice was so concerned

"I wish my mom was still here."

I cried and buried my head into his chest. He rubbed my back up and down.

"It's going to be OK, hon." He said so softly

I nodded and sighed deeply. I calmed down my crying and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I realized that I needed to go to my house to get my clothes. Or I needed to figure out where I was going to live. So I went back to Ty.

"can we go to my house so we can get my clothes and stuff?" I asked

He nodded

"Sure. Lets go. We can grab something to eat out in town if you want?"

"Sounds good."

      On the way there we talked about small stuff, like what our favorite color was and favorite food. Then he changed the subject.

"So I need to tell you some stuff that I didn't tell you about because I wasn't supposed to, but my leader said that it was ok. so, I don't know where to start."

He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Well the creature, is really an experiment gone bad. A few scientist decided to use a new chemical they found called protistian to combine stuff together. They combined human ,wolf, and, bird cells together, and then it made what they least expected it to be. A killing machine. Something in that chemical was like a steroid making the creature strong and overpowering. We are still working on killing it, but we have had no luck."

wow he sounded so profecionall. How did he know all of this?

"Wow. does how many people know the experiment?" I ask curiously

"Only we know. The SWAT, FBI, and all of the government stuff."

Wow this must be a really big ordeal.

"Why is it coming after me though?"

I mean, why does it have a reason to come after me. Just for the pleasure of killing? That's sick.

"That I don't know." He replied.

"But were working on it." He added

i nodded. Then he spoke again

"I am actually 18. I was put into your grade to watch you. The teachers are the only ones who know though."

I was shocked. I knew that he seemed older. I actually liked older guys.

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