act 2: xvii. - energy force

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Back in Ally's village, Austin and Ally were walking to the infirmary when a sudden wave of energy hits them both extremely hard.

The couple grunts together. Ally leans against Austin, intaking the pain. "I think they found her," she grunts out, holding on to him tightly.

"Yeah, most likely," he groans in pain. He sees his wife distressed face and sighs. "Here, I'll carry you."

"Austin," she groans, shaking her head as she leans against him. Austin rubs her back soothingly, though there's not luck as she lets out a squeak of surprise. "Goddamnit."

"What was that?" Austin chuckles amusingly as he crouches down to pick her up. Though as his hand touches her leg, he feels wetness. He irks his eyebrow and looks down as he sees a wet spot on her gown. Looking down further, he sees a splatter on beneath ber. "Oh..."

"My water broke," she speaks, her eyes wide as she looks at him in panic.

"I see," he sighs, continuing his previous actions as he picks her up. "Come on. Let's head to my mom."


Aurora and Amelia run back to the castle with Amelia holding Zyra. They run into Izabel and Hope, who was carrying Cai. They all looked panicked.

"You guys felt that, too?" Amelia asks with her eyes wide.

Hope nods, glancing around. "I think they found Yuele. We need to get to Ally before she has her baby."

"Where is she?" Aurora asks, looking around the main room. She sees a guard and hurries to him. "Have you seen our mom?"

The guard bows before Aurora and nods. "Yes. She and Sir Austin went to the infirmary. Is there something we need to worry about?"

"Yes, there's a major threat coming. That new girl that travels with Marie, Yuele. She's a huge danger to Ally and this village. Get the the other guards and evacuate the people of the village." Izabel orders him.

The guard nods and goes to do what he is asked, but Amelia stops him. "Wait! No, send the people with abilities to the training center! They can help!"

Aurora frowns at her sister. "Amelia, you have to be protecting mom."

"I will! I am! We need all the help we can get!" Amelia exclaims, backing away towards the door. "You guys go find mom. I'll meet you guys in the infirmary in an hour!"

"An hour?!" Izabel exclaims. "Amelia—" Before Izabel could object, the girl is off in a zip. Izabel rolls her eyes. "Come on. Let's just go check on Ally."


"You're cornered, Yuele," Lian sneers, glaring at her as she levitated close to her person with a fighting stance. "Give up and we can try to find a better solution for you."

Lian had a few scratches and bruises, but they would heal themselves over time. She and Marie were doing most of the work, with Marie moreso just making sure no fatal hits are landed among either of her daughters. Zay was moreso of the ground power, as they've traveled through multiple villages and civilians needs to be warned, saved, or moved. He ran with Aria on his back so their mind connection wouldn't be lost.

So far, defeating Yuele isn't as hard as they thought. The only reason she isn't dead is because Marie won't allow Lian to do so. Yuele was strong, but Lian was the strongest.

Yuele scoffs at her sister, breathing heavily as she spoke. "A better solution for me? You guys are living amongst half-breeds. I am the better solution."

"Your cousins are half-breeds!" Marie exclaims from the other side of Yuele, looking at her fiercely. "Hell, I made Keith a warlock, so technically you're a half-breed, too!"

Yuele glares at her mother. "You can't make someone a warlock. Dad had the warlock gene and marrying you is what activated it. You would know that had Guardian Allen put you in your sleeping period."

"It doesn't matter! Miracle Warlocks aren't supposed to go around starting mass genocides against people!" Marie yells.

"It's for the better of this world," Yuele speaks tiredly, shrugging. She looks at Aria, who was sitting in a protective bubble on a rock. "For example, your sister had three, almost four, children who are not only half-breeds, but also didn't face their sleeping periods for selfish, moral reasons. It messes up the balance of things. Hope is a prime example."

"Hope isn't a—"

"She isn't a half-breed, no, but she's a half-Miracle Warlock. Her first child, Zyra, does not possess Miracle Warlock abilities. Only regular ones. Now, imagine if Ally's children, or your own, reproduce with non-warlocks. The Miracle Warlock could go extinct within our generation."

Marie glares at her daughter, shaking her head. "You sound like my mother. Allen isn't supposed to teach you biases in your sleeping period. Maybe it's better that Ally's children aren't being brainwashed."

Yuele glares at her mother. "Guardian Allen is teaching me the true values of life."

Lian rolls her eyes and quickly throws a blast at her sister. Yuele is too tired and distracted to catch it, so she gets hit and screams in agony as she falls.

Marie gasps and quickly levitates down to grab her daughter. "Lian, I said—"

"Mom, I don't have time for this! We can't fight her forever!" Lian screams, leveling with her mother on the ground as she cradled her daughter.

"God, she's bleeding..." Marie whispers, her eyes wide as she inspects the large gash in Yuele's side. "We need to get her to an infirmary before she heals herself and she has an internal bleeding."

Lian and Zay share a look, then turn to Marie with looks of bewilderment. "She's trying to kill us!"

"She's my daughter," Marie pushes, glaring at the pair. She looks at Lian specifically. "And your sister."

Lian glares at her mother, with a roll of her. "Sister or not, she's trying to kill us. She tried to kill me, mom! She's killed plenty of people!"

Marie sighs and closes her yes, trying to collect her thoughts so she doesn't snap. "I know, Lian, but—"

Lian scoffs, though. "But? Mom, please. I'm not helping you save this monster. I'm gonna go back to the village and help Ally."

Lian zips off, which leaves Zay, Aria, and Marie. Zay sighs and looks at his mother in law. "Yeah, I'm kind of with Lian on this one. No offense, but uh, your daughter's a murderer."

Marie glares at him. She looks down at Yuele's still form and sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know what to do, Zay. I can't just let my daughter die."

"You can when it's the right thing to do," Zay adds, giving her a slight shrug. "I'm gonna go back to Ally's village with Aria. If you need our help, you know how to get it."

Zay grabs Aria from her spot on a rock and zips off with her as well.

Once their gone, Yuele's eyes open immediately. Marie gasps, staring into her daughter's blank stare. "Yuele? Are you—"

Suddenly, Marie is blasted away from area with so much force that she is barely able to process it. She stumbles through trees, bushes, and vines until she finally stops rolling in a shallow pit of mud.

She's barely conscious, but she understands her daughter's words loud and clear. "When I elimate the rest of Ally's family, maybe you and I can build a better world around us. I'm sorry, mom. I have to do this, though."

Yuele zooms in the direction of Zay and Lian while Marie just lays in her spot. Her body was aching and she felt like shit. She thinks she might have actually broken something for the first time.

Marie grunts, closing her eyes. "Damnit."

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