v. who you are

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"Where am I?!" The girl screams, her hazel eyes turning the same color of her hair.

Ally had brought her to her room. She was now under a spell; her powers were temporarily expelled. For whatever reason, Ally couldn't tap into her emotions or thoughts or feelings. She was immune, almost.

"Who are you?" Ally asks, calmly surveying her.

"None of your goddamn business! Now, let me go! This isn't safe!"

"For me, or for you?"

"For everyone, you ignorant child. Let me go!" The purple haired girl exclaims, running up to Ally and grabbing her by her next and squeezing her neck.

"Hey, let her go!" Izabel screams, throwing her hand out to emphasize. But to her surprise, she had frozen the girls hand, making her pull away and wince from the tight ice around her hand. "Woah."

The corners of Ally's lip move upwards. But Ally goes back to paying attention to the girl, seeing the color in the her eyes had changed back to its hazel color. "Who are you?"

"Maybe she's your twin!" Zay exclaims, grinning.

Izabel nods, crossing her arms. "Yeah, your evil twin. She's the bad one."

"What is your name?" Ally asks, sitting on her knees to look the look-a-like in her eyes. She looks away, though, banging her frozen hand against the ground. Ally grabs her hand and sighs, closing her eyes. Look at me. She tells her through her own mind.

The girl looks at Ally, as if it's an instinct and Ally catches her eye. Ally glares slightly and before the kids know it, her eyes are glowing too, even her pupils disappearing. To Ally's shock, hers light up with Ally's, even her pupils fading out.

Marie Allen Dawson
Gender: Female
Born: January 9th, 1016.
Eye color: Hazel; royal purple when agitated.
Hair color: Black; Purple/fuchsia (rare) when wronged or in danger
Weight: 121lb
Specialities: Unknown; Miracle Warlock.
Parents: Allen Lagan Dawson (former miracle warlock) and James Dawn Richman III
Siblings: Ally Elus Dawson (twin sister)

Ally comes back to her senses, breathing in a large gap of air. She can't go into people's mind for much time because she doesn't breath. She's too focused to breath.

Izabel and Zay run from the corner and comfort Ally, hugging her closely.

Although, Ally pushes them away gently and looks at the girl, who couldn't face at all now; not even to curse at her. She frowns, reaching to grab her hand but Marie flinches away, shaking her hand, making Ally realize she knew.

But then a thought came to Ally: there were two Miracle Warlocks. Even if she's bad, Ally wasn't the only one. It was unbelievable, really. She met her mother in her sleep. Not once was a sister mentioned. Then again, neither was her father.

The only thing you're taught is your powers and your name and other basic knowledge.

But was this girl even sleep for a millennium? Why wasn't she put on display for all those years?

"Ally, listen to me," the girl says carefully, her eyes purple. "You need to let me go or this whole village will be in danger."

"Why do you work with dangerous people if you don't want them to attack the village? You're in danger! Your hair is purple!"

"Wha-- I was born with purple hair! Of course it's fucking purple!" Marie yells, annoyed. "And my 'job' is to attack you, but without me, they're useless!"

"Then why do you work with them? And who exactly is 'them'?"

"Are you talking about the Magic Midnight Raiders?" Zay asks the angered female shyly, hiding behind his sister.

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