xxix. aftermath

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"Baby, you need to stay still," Ally giggles as she tries to hold her daughters feet with one hand while the other attempted to put on her fresh diaper. "Please? For mommy."

The small baby just squeals and kicks her excited legs even more, making Ally blows out a breath of agitated and amused air through her nose. Ally leans down to kiss her daughter's face, distracting her enough to change her diaper. Amelia giggles loudly and grabs on to Ally's face.

Ally chuckles and leans back to pull down Amelia's yellow nightgown. Austin's mother had made it for Amelia. It was beautiful.

"C'mon, you wanna go see daddy?" She coos, lifting her up and kissing her face all over once more. "I'm sure he misses you."

Amelia kicks her legs excitedly and squeaks in excitement. "Ba-bee!" She exclaims happily, swinging her little arms around.

Ally giggles while she's walking to the door. "Close enough."

She moves from the nursery to go a few doors down until she reaches her and Austin's bedroom. Ally enters the room and she's surprised to see Austin sitting up on the bed.

It's been three days since the incident. Austin had been so completely out of it that he's only been sleeping and vomiting ever since. Granny Hena had said that it was normal and he'd be fine in a week's time. Ally and his mother have been watching over him ever since.

Ally would usually bring Amelia around during the middle of the day because that's usually the longest he stays awake. Amelia is so oblivious to her father's condition that she always just squeals and plays his face. Honestly, she makes both of their days much more bearable.

Austin looks up to see who came in and his eyes glow at the sight of his two favorite people. "I sat up," he announces with a strained voice and a weak smile. "Pretty cool, eh?"

"Yes, it is, actually," Ally says as she closes their door behind her. He hadn't been able to sit up on his own without any help. She goes to the sit on the bed next to her husband. Ally searches his eyes and nudges him with her shoulder. "You doing okay?"

Austin glances at her, then his blabbering daughter who was reaching for him. A small smile grows on his face as he nods. Austin reaches for Amelia and grabs her from Ally's hold. "Feeling better today."

Austin peppers small kisses on Amelia's cheeks, making the infant squeal and giggle. Ally smiles and places her chin on his shoulder, admiring her child and husband.

Austin laughs as he watches Amelia's hair transform into a glowing orange instead of its brown color. "I will never get tired of that."

After a while of playing with Amelia, Austin starts to get sleepy again, so he hands her off to Ally again. Ally sits on their bed next to his body with their daughter in her lap as her hand brushed through his soft hair. "You want some water? Food? You haven't eaten yet today."

"Nah, I'm scared I'll throw it up," he chuckles weakly, staring up at her. Austin reaches his hand up to grab hold her the hand that was playing in his hand. He intertwines their fingers together tightly and grabs her hand to his lips. After kissing all five of her fingers, he tells her, "I'm fine. Stop worrying."

Tears prick at her eyes. Ally takes her hand from his to wipe her eyes before the tears could fall. She didn't want to cry in front of Amelia. Amelia was beginning to be able to pick up on emotions around her, so if Ally started crying, Amelia would too. Calming her down was entire workout.

"You almost died, Austin," she sniffs, closing her eyes. "Actually, you did die. If-If Lian wasn't there... Austin..."

"But I'm alive now, Ally," he soothes her, reaching over to grasp her hand again. "Sure, I'm a little weak right now, but give it some time and before you know it, I'll be shooting arrows and teasing Zay again."

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