ii. welcome

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"So, uh, this is your room," Austin tells Ally as she wobbles inside. "well, this is kind of your castle, so you can have any room you want, but this was a lot of former Miracle Warlocks' room, so I suppose you'd like to sleep in here, too."

It was a nice room. It was bigger than the others in the castle and was all the way on top. The walls were a brown-ish red with golden swirls painted around it. The bed seemed much too big for such a small warlock like her. There was wooden vanity with an oval shape formed mirror, along with other colorful things, that she wasn't sure what they were, placed on it.

Austin hadn't been in here before, but knew the other door in her room was a closet. Supposedly, it was the biggest closet ever, filled with clothes from centuries ago to the common clothing they wore now. He knows it's most likely true; Miracle Warlocks have stayed here.

Ally was just examining the room, doing her blinking everytime she looked in a new spot. Her wobbly legs walked her over to the vanity, and she touches a little thing on the table. It was pink. That's probably the only thing she knows about it.

"That's lipstick, if you're wondering."

Ally turns her head away from the makeup and looks at him, double blinking. She then continues roaming around the room, touching everything she could.

Ally stops at the bed and sees two pieces of clothing. She just stares at them, not knowing what they were.

"Those are your undergarments," Austin tells her from the other side of the bed. "you know, bra and panties."

"No, I do not know Bra and Panties."

Austin chortles at her and shakes his head. "Those are for your, uh, breasts and... your uh other part."

Ally blinks at him, once this time. She looks down at her covered body and back up him. Her eyes then shift to the clothing.

Austin gets the hint that she doesn't know how to put them on when she just continues to stare at them. He sighs and scratches the back of his head. "Do you want me to help you?"

He gets the blinks again and inhales deeply as he goes on the other side of the bed. He grabs the bra first and holds it up to look at it. The blond had taken about two or three off of girls; he just didn't know how the hell to put it on.

"Okay, I know you're suppose to slip it on your arms," Austin murmurs, taking her arms and pulling the straps over each one. He then slides them up her arm so that the straps are place in each side. "I did that right."

Ally removes the cover, dropping it on the ground. Austin sucks in a breath, now a bit nerved. He didn't have to control himself; he had seen girls naked. Heck, he's Ally naked for eighteen years. But he had the permission to do that, and although Ally had given him the permission, it felt wrong. She was just so naïve.

"I guess I strap the back," Austin murmurs, pulling on the two parts until they've connected. "there."

Ally adjusts the bra so it's more comfortable before turning around and looking at the panties.

Austin then grabs them and falls to his knees. He holds them out so they're off the ground a bit. "Just step into them."

Ally does as she told, but once she lifts her leg, she wobbles so Austin grabs her waist firmly with on hand. She then steps in the right one and does the same with the left. Austin smiles and lefts go of her waist to pull them up for her.

Her eyes never leave his as he pulls the fabric up her legs. Once they're a little over her hips, Austin moves his hands and looks down at her with a smile. "Done."

Ally just blinks up at him.

"You don't talk much," Austin says, grabbing her wrist to pull her over to the closet. He opens the door, revealing all of the clothing. "pick someone you'd like to wear, okay? Most girls here like dresses, unless you're going on the run or hunting or something."

Ally looks at her toes as she walks into the closet.

"On the run just means to... go arrest criminals and stuff. I'm specialized in archery, so I have a bow and arrow. I like adding my own features and stuff though, like I have a bomb arrow, an arrow that sends sleeping gas falling everywhere, and other stuff. I'm sure you can do that all with your glowing stuff, but eh."

Ally grabs a white dress and unsteadily exits the closet. It was plain and short. And white. That's about it.

The brunette looks up from her toes after she has walked far enough from the closet, holding the dress on her arm.

Ally tilted her head and Austin noticed her movements were almost robotic. Well, she has slept for a thousand years. Austin wonders how she learned her vocabulary and how walking correctly, despite the wobbling. You can't even train a newborn how to talk, let alone walk.

Austin comes out of his thoughts when he feels like he's being stared at. He looks away from the closet to see her staring at him, her eyes blinking about every ten seconds. "Um, do you need help getting that on?"

"I sense you're confused," Ally says, her calm voice making him grin a bit. "why?"

Austin's brows furrow but then he realizes that sensing was probably one of her abilities. "How'd you learn how to walk? And talk? And do your magic... stuff? I mean, I know you're a Miracle Warlock, but... how?"

Ally blinks at him. Three times this time before answering the blond, "I have slept for a thousand years; what do you think kept me occupied?"

Austin senses she's going to continue as he goes over to her bed and takes a seat, her head following his movements.

"I was trained by the Guardians ever since I was put into my rest," Ally tells him, her voice still not changing. "I know my powers and abilities, although I don't understand them quite yet, and how to walk and talk, but that's about it."

Austin raises his eyebrows as he asks, "Who or what are 'Guardians'?"

"The Guardian are warlocks and few mortals who have died to personally save someone else's life. Miracle Warlocks are, too, Guardians, and they trained me for the thousand years."

"Could my father be there?"

"It's possible," Ally speaks, blinking her eyes. "how'd your dad die?"

Austin scratches the back of his head and says, "There was a burning home and my father went into save the family. It was a log house; one of the logs dropped on his head and his face landed in the fire."

Ally stares at him for a while, her blinking stopping for the moment. Her head tilts in her slow robotic way. It creeps him out a bit, honestly. But she stops and goes back to her two blinks every ten seconds.

"He's there."

Austin doesn't question how she knows it, but smiles, knowing she was probably right.

"That's good to know."

"It is, indeed." she continues, looking down at her toes as she slowly walks across the room. "The most important thing to him were... you and your mother, so that's what he's doing right now; he's with you and your mother."

"But how---"

"It's like an alternate world, with you and your mother. But you don't grow, nor does your mom, nor does your father. But you're all there with him."

He nods, still confused, but doesn't bother to ask anymore questions. He'd probably just get more confused. "Well, do you need help with your dress?"

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