act 2. v. coming together

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two chapters in one day because i already have like 10 written and forget to post them lol

"Everytime you go on 'I'll be back' trips, you're never right back," Nick chuckles as she opens the door to their home. "I'm starting to think you just don't like me."

They had decided to move out of the castle to get a small home that wasn't too far. Living there was fine; it was just the girls who wouldn't frequently interrupt their alone time. Amelia walked in and saw a disturbing sight once and that was all the push they needed. They moved out a week later.

Izabel chuckles as she comes inside. "Yeah, yeah. You know how chaotic my family is..." she responds as she steps inside. She looks around their home to see candles lit all among their place. She irks her eyebrow as she turns around to question her boyfriend, only to see him on one knee as she faced him. "Oh..."

Nick smirks at her surprised face, holding out a ring for her. "We've been together for nearly ten years and we're basically married, so I forgot that we weren't actually married. I wanna fix that, Izabel. Will you marry me?"

Izabel bites back a smile as she nods, tears threatening to fall. "Of course, Nicholas."

He grins as he slips the ring on her finger. Once it's on, Izabel pulls him up to passionately kiss him. Nick responds to her motion, wraps her arms firmly around her waist. "I love you," he manages to get out as she dragged him to their bedroom.

"Less talking, more taking off your clothes."


"It took him long enough," Austin murmurs as Izabel shows them her ring. Amelia smacks his arm, to which Austin fakes hurt and grabs his arm. He smiles at Izabel. "Seriously, though, ten years? He should've been on his knee 3 months in!"

Nick deadpans at him. "I'm right here."

"I know, Nicholas." Austin smirk, using his real name. The man's cheek burn in embarrassment.

"You told them my real name?" Nick whines to Izabel, though she just giggles as she embraces his middle.

"Yes, but only I can call him that," Izabel says, glaring playfully at Austin, to which he raises his hands in amusement. "Where's Ally?"

"Right here," Ally speaks as she's carrying Aria into the dining room. She smiles at the couple. "What are you guys doing here? Decided to join us for breakfast?"

"Her and Nicholas are getting married," Austin says with a smug smirk, to which Nick groans and Izabel giggles while showing Ally the ring. "It took them long enough."

Ally grins and Aria claps her hands at the couple. "Oh my god, congratulations!" Ally exclaims in excitement as she puts Aria down to hug them both. "I totally forgot you weren't married, honestly."

"Same. That's why I always forgot to ask." Nick laughs as he embraces Ally back.

"Will you guys have babies now?" Aurora asks from her spot at the table, leaning on her arm. "I'm tired of being the only kid without abilities."

"Uh, first of all, Nick and I both have abilities," Izabel chuckles as she moves from her fiancé's side to go sit next to Aurora. "Secondly, well... me and Nick can't really have kids."

Aurora frowns. "Why?"

Amelia nudges her sister. "That's rude to ask, 'Ora."

Izabel chuckles and shakes her head. "It's okay, Amelia," she says to the girl, to which Amelia gives her a smile. "With me and Nick being literal polar opposites, having a kid would be impossible for us. When we want kids, I think we're just going to adopt one."

"Oh," Aurora says with a slight frown. But then her face picks back up. "Can you adopt a kid with no powers?!"

Izabel giggles while Austin glares ar his daughter. "Enough, Aurora."

The little girl rolls his eyes and grabs her orange juice.

"Is Zay coming today?" Ally asks as she helps Aria into her chair so she could eat.

"I sent one of the speedster children to his village, but I know Hope is still healing, so if he can't—"

Izabel is cut off by a whoosh entering the room. Her white hair is blown into her face for a second while Austin chuckles. "Right on time."

She moves the hair out of her face to see Zay leaning on Nick's shoulder with Zyra by his side. "You're getting married?!" Zyra screams excitedly, bouncing in her spot.

Izabel laughs and nods at her niece, showing her the ring. "Yup."

Zyra screams even louder, scaring Aria and making her disappear. She bounces into Izabel's arms, hoping her tightly. "Can I be the flower girl?! Pleaseeeeee!"

Zay chuckles, shaking his head at his daughter. He looks over Nick and smirks. "It took you ten years to propose, dude."

"I forgot, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Nicholas."

Austin and Zay laugh, Zay coming over to slap hands with Austin. Nick glares at them, looking at Izabel with tired eyes. "Maybe I don't wanna marry into this family."

Izabel giggles, making the man drop his fake attitude and grin at her. "They'll stop eventually."

"So, Zay, how's Hope doing?" Ally asks as she's helping Aria cut her waffles.

Zay picks up Zyra as she reaches from him and comes towards Ally to kiss her temple. "She's doing okay. It's only been a day but she's even gotten back to her gardening. Baby Cai isn't really a crier and sleeps through the night, so that's good. I have to head back in a few hours, though. I didn't want to leave her, but when we got the news, she told me to go and just take Zyra."

Ally nods, taking in the information. "Well, tell her I said get well soon. You guys should come back for Aria's birthday in a few weeks."

"Don't worry, we'll be here," Zay chuckles as he reaches down to tickle Aria's chin.

"My birthday is in a few weeks, too!"

"No, it's in two months, Zyra."

"That's what I said!"

"Yeah, that girl is exactly like you when we were younger," Izabel playfully scoffs with a laugh. Zay nods in her direction, shaking his head slightly as if he couldn't believe it.

After they all each breakfast, all of the girls go play outside in the village.

"Seriously, though, I'm happy for you, Bel," Zay speaks to his sister as he throws an arm around her. "You always got the short end of the stick, regardless of you being the strong out of us. You deserve this."

Izabel grins and hugs her twin tightly, inhaling his scent as she squeezed him. "Mom would be so proud of the family you've made. You're a great dad and you're really good to Hope."

Zay blows out a breath of air at the mention of their mother and hugs her tigher. "Love you, sis."

"I love you too, Zay."

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