vi. time lapse

342 22 7

Five Years Later

"Alright," Austin grins, squinting his eyes as he pulled back his arrow. He gets a clear aim at his target before looking at the younger boy, smirking. "Watch, I'm going to shoot this arrow in that apple and it's going to connect with the tree."

"Hmm... a week's dessert you're not." Zay laughs, holding out his fist.

"Oh, you're on," Austin laughs, moving the arrow from the bow and pounding his fist. He goes back in his position and aims the arrow. After a second of thought, he shoots the arrow. "Now would you look at--- wait."

What he expects is the apple hanging against the tree by the arrow. What he gets is Zay taking a bite out of the apple while the arrow was held in his other hand. Zay had sabotaged his aim. Again.

Austin face drops and he gives him a deadpan face. "I fall for that everytime. Can I at least have tonight's key lime pie?"

"I guess you can since it's the last deserve you're going to get for a week. You'll need to savor it," Zay says, laughing as he went over and patted the man's back. "I'm off to training."

Austin watches as Zay leaves, throwing his arrow back to him, while his face was dull. That boy got him every single time. Maybe he needs a stronger and faster arrow. But that also means he has to track Zay's speed and that's not happening.

He swings the bow over his shoulder, taking a breather as he went to the path to the castle, leaving the woods.

It seemed kind of pointless for him to have his bow and arrow nowadays. They didn't need the objects to capture bandits or food anymore, so they were almost toys now. The village children ask for bows and arrows for Christmas. Of course, most of their parents run to Austin for his original designs, but it's not the same as using them as blatantly weapons.

At least he can still shoot apples.

"Hey, Austin!" A squeaky voice says while he's on the main street. Turning, he sees a blonde teen coming towards him with bright smile on his face. Austin sends a weak smile back. He missed his teen days. "We don't see you with your arrow usually, but my friends and I got arrows and we've heard you're one of the best! Could you teach us?"

He looks over her shoulder, seeing her giggling friends. He shrugs and nods, agreeing. "Sure."

Going over the group of girls, they introduce themselves one by one, but he can't seem to remember their names. It's obvious they all have crushes on him, but he decides to play nice. They meant no harm, anyway.

"Do you guys know how to position yourselves?" Austin asks, standing above all of the girls.

They all giggle and shake their heads. One by one, they pleaded for him to help them and show them how to shoot. He couldn't lie; it felt nice. He liked the attention.

Just as he starts to go behind a girl and help her with her stance, there's a cold patch of ice running up his arm. "Ow!" He jumps, holding his arm.

"Being so close to a girl like that is what gets you in trouble," Izabel sings, holding the hand the pale, blue hand that shot him up and the other on her hip as she went up to him and the girls. "Especially with these girl's parents."


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