xix - bundle of news

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whew i'm gonna bring this book to an end lol no one really reads it but i enjoy writing it, so maybe five or less more chapters left. i'm gonna try to finish all my old books i started in 2015/16 lol

Ally is confused as she looks down at toilet and sees nothing.

It was the 14th of the month. She usually got her period on the 2nd of every month.

Her menstrual cycle was always consistent and never out of turn. But this is her second month without any blood fall. Last month she assumed she missed it because she and Austin had sex for the first time and she bled, so she assumed that was her period.

But there's no reasoning for it now.

"Austin?" She calls from the bathroom, still staring at the empty toilet. Ally hears shuffling before her husband meets her in the bathroom, standing by her side. Ally looks up at him while she points to the toilet. "Look."

Austin looks at the object, confused as to what he's supposed to be staring at. "What?"

"I missed my period," Ally says, frowning at him while crossing her arms. "This is the second time. Am I okay?"

His eyes widen slightly. "You missed your period last month?"

Ally nods, frowning at him. "This has never happened."

With his wide eyes, a grin slowly grows on his face. Austin embraces his wife tightly, bouncing with her in his arms. "Ally, do you know what this means?!"

"No, I can't say I do."

"You're pregnant!" He exclaims, looking down at her with a bright smile. Austin holds her tightly, his grin getting even bigger as the realization formed on her face.

"Seriously?! I'm pregnant?!" Ally squeals happily, bouncing and jumping all over him.

"I'm pretty sure!" He laughs brightly, leaning down to place a kiss on her lips. It's soft and blissful with excitement spread all through it.


"Hello, Granny Hena," Ally greets the old lady by the fruit cart. She smiles kindly at her as she looks over her fruits. "Do you have any unripe strawberries for me today?"

Ally had found out one of her cravings were unripe strawberries. She usually feeds them to the ducks, but she ate one once and needlessly to say, she's been addicted for two weeks now.

The old woman smiles gracefully at Ally, bowing at her presence. "It is nice to see you again, my dear," Granny Hena greets, a kind smile on her face. "I just picked some strawberries for you this morning. They're still a little green."

"The greener the better," Ally grins as she's given the bowl of slightly green strawberries. She passes the woman over three golden coins. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Granny."

"You've been eating a lot of unripe strawberries," The old woman says as she accepts the over-paid money (Ally would always give her gold coins, regardless of her fruit costing only bronze coins) and gives Ally a look. "Ally, sweetie, come here."

Ally follows the old woman's instructions, making from in front of the cart to the side where Hena stood. The elder woman placed her soft hands on Ally's stomach, making Ally's eyes widen slightly but with bliss rather than shock.

"I didn't know you were an energy infuser," Ally says in awe as Hena's warm thoughts and soothing words make their way into Ally's brain, calming down any nerves she would've had. "I thought you guys were extinct."

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