act 2: xiii. the impossible possible

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As the months progress, a lot of progression is made.

Ally is on her eighth month of pregnancy. Knowing her history with her pregnancies, she could be ready to burst at any given moment. If she wasn't house bounded a few months ago, she's really house bounded now.

As for the work on Yuele, they've actually made a lot of progress. Marie has been communicating with her on a mental level through their telepathic abilities. She hasn't been able to escape the bubble she was placed in, but Marie releases her from time to time to get her used to the outside world. So far it's been working, Marie tends to keep it that way until she's ready to approach the world again.

There hasn't been any significant changes as of late, but they're prepared for anything at this point. Though, the chaotic days were a bit much.

It's eight in the morning and they're awakened by screaming. Ally bolts awake, with Austin only awakening from her sudden movements.

He squints at the sunlight peeking in their room as he murmurs, "What, baby coming?"

Aurora and Aria were middle of the night babies, so Austin didn't even have the energy to be panicked about her going into labor anymore. Especially after he a long day of shoveling snow yesterday.

"No, I think the girls are screaming," Ally sighs, sliding off her side of the bed. She groans as the nauseous kicking in. "I have morning sickness. Can you go check on them please?"

"Already on it," Austin sighs as he pushes himself up. "Do you—"

They're cut off by the door forcibly being pushed open. Austin and Ally both jump. To Austin surprise, he can see the hair that was in his face turning black. That hasn't happened since the first day they discovered it.

In the doorway, there's Amelia and Aurora standing there in distress, holding each other's hand. Amelia cries out, "Mom, I'm bleeding! I-I woke up and th-there blood everywhere!"

Ally observes her daughter before sighing and giving her a light smile. "Well, you're a little woman now."

Austin irks his eyebrow, looking at his wife. "That's her... you know, monthly?"

Ally nods, pushing herself up while holding her budging stomach. She approaches Amelia and rubs her back gently. "Sweetie, that's your menstruation. You... have a period now."

Amelia calms down a bit, but she was still jittery. "Like, the thing where I bleed every month?"

Ally smiles and gives her a nod. "Yep. Remember we talked about it. You're just getting older," Ally says soothingly, placing an arm around her shoulder as she leads her out of the room. "Come on. I'll help you clean up and stuff."

Aurora follows after her mother and sister, still worried while Austin blows out a breath. "I'm getting old," he murmurs to himself as he shakes out his bed head.

Just as he stands up to get ready for the day, Aria enters the room, wrapped in her blanket. Austin irks an eyebrow as her sleepy form. "You didn't get your monthly, too, did you?" He jokes to his daughter as she approaches him.

Aria shakes her head tiredly as she leans against the doorway. She didn't even know what that was. "No, but I peed on myself."

Austin gives his youngest daughter a deadpanned look before sighing as he stood up from his spot. "Okay, let's change your sheets and take a bath before breakfast."

Aria reaches her hand up for him to hold it and he smiles as her small hand wraps around one of his fingers. Yeah, never really a quiet morning around here, but he likes it.

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