Hybrid 2.4 (end)

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When I woke up, I was in my room. I recognized the light blue walls, the light pink fluffy blanket and Kim Bum was lying beside me holding my hand. I recognized the sound of a heart control device. I felt really weak and my arms were definitely thinner. However, what shocked me the most was the total absence of darkness in me. Like it was never there. I reminded myself of my mother death of the people involved, but nothing showed up. I tried to sit up and the light movement woke Kim Bum up right away. He looked at me and I had the impression he aged. Red shot eyes, a little bit of a beard, dark circles... I must have stared for a long time, because he chuckled lightly. His chuckle had no happiness in them.

-"I'm hallucinating again..." he murmured. I widened my eyes, my throat was really dry. I was glad I had no tubes in my throat of suck.

-"Kim....Bum" my voice was hoarse. Really hoarse. He jumped in fright and looked at me again "Water..." I wanted to say 'please' but I started to cough badly. A big glass of water with a straw appeared not a second later. He helped me sitting up. I looked at him insistently for an explanation.

-"Two months and a half" he said and I widened my eyes. I was never unconscious for so long "Your heart stopped nearly five times" I stopped drinking "Your dad was... persuaded you were going to die, he's almost living at the company right now. He took over your hybrids, training them to be merciless killers, even worth than assassins. They were not allowed to see you. Never." He almost chocked out those words "You... were put in coma a month ago." He added waiting for my reaction. I looked for my phone and saw it on my nightstand. I called my dad right away. It ringed five times.

D: Kim Bum, that's the worst joke you could have done.

You: Dad.

He hung up on me. I called again.

You: Hey! Don't hung up on me, for god's sake!

He hung up again. I was appalled. My father was being a real jerk right now. I looked at Kim Bum, and he took out his phone. He called my dad and he answered on the first ring tone, I extended my hand.

Dad: KIM BUM, you piece of shit. You-

You: You're the piece of shit, dad. Hanging up on me! Twice at that! Yah! My mom didn't teach you such manners before dying.

-"Amelia?" a voice resonated and I looked at the door. My sister


I tossed the phone to Kim Bum and tried to stand up, but I couldn't of course. My sister ran up to me. She was crying hard. I cried to and about five minutes later, my dad appeared out of the door. My sis stepped aside and I opened my arms wide for him.

-"You don't get rid of me that easily!" and he tackled me to my bed "YAH! You're crushing me, stupid dad!" then I realized he was crying. He had the fear of his life, more than once or so I could tell. I felt my tears stepping out, and my sister was holding my hand like she would never let it go. Kim Bum had stepped out and was guarding the door. I was given something to eat and I learned that I would have to learn to walk yet again. PTSD, panic attacks, night terrors were still there of course, but the psychological part had disappeared a month ago. The doctor was forced to put me in coma, because my heart needed to recover the loss of the support that dark part gave him. My dad left only in the evening to take care of some duties. My sister presented me her boyfriend and he was a really nice guy. Kim Bum stayed outside the whole time and I had to beg him to shave and take a shower.

After my sister left to also take a shower, I was carried by Kim Bum to the bath. I blushed really hard, trying to throw him out. He told me, he had done it for two month I hit him really hard. I felt that my sense of shoot hadn't weakened and I was reassured. I managed to throw Kim Bum out and to take a bath on my own. I managed to pull myself out and wrap myself in a towel on the ground. My legs were really heavy and I glared at them. The doctor promised me I could walk again, I just needed to take it slow. I was cursing myself for being weak, when my sister came into the bathroom. When she saw on the ground crying, she screamed alerting Kim Bum. He left me bridal style and put me on my bed my legs dangling out.

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