Intro to Mafia 2+ Mafia 2

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This is another Mafia Story, but much shorter. As you maybe noticed, the end of my stories aren't always the most interesting ones. But I still hope you will like it. The context is similar to Mafia 1, so If you didn't read this story, please check it out.

My name is Kim Ela, sister of Kim Seokjin or Jin. I'm currently in the train going back to my hometown after studying in college for three years and graduating as a top. My life in university was good because I had a big brother who paid for my expenses. I still wonder how he did it. He is three years older than me and we were one year in high school together. He was always the sweetest and most caring older brother ever. We lived with one of his friend that I considered as an older brother Min Yoongi. We were a family of three and thanks to them nobody messed with me in high school. Yoongi was a bit scary to other but to me he was just a big cat. Jin always scolded me because Yoongi accepted my every wishes.

My brother worked and refused for me to work. Yoongi too worked, but I didn't know where. My brother nor he went to college and yet Jin insisted that I go to college and I went there. I had also an interview in CA chemicals for a job. I had various experiences and especially in the human domain. I wondered what I would be doing there. Anyway, I haven't seen my brother or Yoongi for three years. In fact, we fought. Before I went to university away from our hometown, we argued and parted without making up. He sent me texts and money that I barely replied too. I never went home in those years and worked my ass off to make money and to pay him back.

Another person to introduce would be none other than Jeon Jungkook. He was a weird kid in the year above me. He was always extremely cold to others and nice to me. I learned during his last year that he was a good friend with my brother and that he worked with him. Jungkook and I were close friends: we talked almost every day during those three years and video called every weekend. If I missed our appointment, he would be extremely mad. He scared me sometimes and was very possessive of me, even though we talked through the phone only. Yet, I liked him because he talked to me. I had tried calling Yoongi or my brother, but the only answer I got was 'I'm busy' and they hung up on me. Even though it was my 20th birthday. I still felt extremely hurt about it, even though I wasn't one to hold grudges.

I got down from the train and saw Moonbyul. She was a good friend from high school and found a job as a bartender right after she graduated high school. She was a bit similar to Yoongi, not eager to show her feelings and had a quiet and cold persona. Yet, she always pampered me and video called me regularly. She was looking gorgeous as ever and every one was taking steps away from her as her eyes were glaring at everyone.

"Moon!" I said jumping on her and she carried me like it was nothing

She was always extremely strong and loved to carry me around. I was a person that loved physical contact and she hated it. Yet, I managed to convince her otherwise in high school and since then she didn't mind hugs or long cuddle sessions with me.

"El, it's been so long." she said tightening her embrace

I looked at the beauty and grinned kissing her cheek as she groaned. Everyone was looking at us quite surprised. I was more on the chubby side with quite the curves and smaller than her. I had blue eyes and natural light brown hair. She had dark chocolate eyes, with platinum blond her and she was lean and tall. I had my body insecurities but with the blouse I was wearing they were hidden.

"It's been long yeah. The trip was so long!" I whined as she put me on the ground and I grabbed my suitcase

"You don't have much." She observed and I smiled a little

"Yeah." She frowned as I didn't develop on the subject

I had little because I was keeping money to pay back my brother. I almost didn't us his money. I wasn't one to be a gold digger although it would have been of great help. I skipped some meals and worked extra hours. Jungkook wasn't aware of it of course or that bunny would have sent me loads of money. He always asked me if I needed some money and I always wondered from where he had all that money.

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