Hybrid 7.12: Hope's world

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This chapter will be remotedly short.  I'm still not decided on how the story will end or on how long it'll be. I see that it is nicely supported so I will probably publish two chapters two night and see how my mind is wandering this weekend. 


Purple You and Enjoy Armies and folks.

"Let's go to Hope's world again tonight. I need to...I need a breather." I whispered looking at her

"Mel, I don't think..."

"Please Solar" I plead in a low voice.

I needed to see if Grandma was right. If they cared about me like she said they did. That it wasn't just an illusion or my imagination playing tricks on me. She looks at me during a long minute before slamming her hands on her face startling me.

"We're going to make them regret what they did."

Solar's eyes have a new glint making me wonder if I did take a good decision.

An hour later, I can barely recognize myself. It's rather an upgraded version of myself: a sexiest and taunting version. The dress is a dark night blue and it glues to my skin like a second skin. Every curve and every imperfection outlined and highlighted to the top. The dress is strapless but holds itself well. Wheein and Hwasa are here to help while Moonbyul is overseeing the whole scene.

"You look...you look hot." Hwasa whispers

The makeup only enhances my every features: not heavy it gives me an angelic face compared to the rest of my body. I brush my hand in my hair, letting the curls air out as I look at Solar. Her white dress is similar to mine while even more revealing if possible. I don't know what will happen tonight, but one thing I'm sure is that I'm going to dance my problems away. Relinquish in the feeling of last time. Moonbyul's eyes are settled on me as she slips a hand on my waist, protective and possessive in the queue.

"The lust in the air is no joke." Hwasa breathes out at one point

"We look like fucking temptress what did you expect?" Wheein giggles as she slides her finger the long of my jaw tilting my head

The simple action makes me hear a few gasps behind us and people uncomfortably shifting in their tight pants. I grin as Moonbyul gets closer and cups my throat.

"Oh my god."

"Let me fuck them."

"They look so freaking good."

"I want a go!"

"Me too."

"I call dibs on the human."

"Dream on."

I can only smile brighter as the hybrids let me go and kiss my temples enjoying the sheer dominance they have on me. It was also a hybrid thing, but I didn't mind it. Last time was already showing off that I belong with them and no one else. The guard gulps as he sees us and allows to enter without even using a tip. 

We walk to the bar and I take my time meeting a few eyes and smiling brightly seeing men clench their jaw and smile back or toasting towards me. 


I had learned to despise this. My mates had changed it, but I was no longer my weaker broken self while I wasn't emotionally stable yet. I smiled as I remarked that internally. 

The guys wanted to play with girls? No problem. 

But I would play too. 

My rules, my game.

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