Hybrid 4

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Name: Amelia Maxwell

Age: 19 years old

Birthday: 13th of February

Disease: Affection Disease (if not dealt with: Heart pains, Chronic anxiety, Insomnia, Panic attacks), Heterochromia

Request: I, Doctor Kim, require Amelia Maxwell to work as a volunteer in the "Daily Sun" shelter as a helper. Amelia needs to come whenever she has free time. Once she adopts hybrids, she is free to go. Any question regarding her condition should be ask to me through my personal number.

Warnings about the patient: She doesn't speak much and might come across as rude. She flinches easily. She hides her feelings and will never say if she's uncomfortable with something. However, she's observant. When alone, she speaks a lot: When she feels like she's not heard.

-"Shortly speaking, you're a hardcore antisocial introvert." The dog hybrid looked at you as you kept looking at the ground. Doctor Kim had gone too far, this time, forcing you to work in a hybrid shelter. You couldn't believe it and yet you were here.

-"You also smell...really special" the hybrid said and you frowned lightly at that remark, but didn't say a thing. "It's not in a bad way!" He quickly claimed loudly and you couldn't help but flinch and step back at his tone.

-"Sorry" you whispered but you knew he heard you as all hybrids got extraordinary hearing. You glanced at him and saw him sigh. You took one more step back. All you wanted to do was running away from this place and go back to your room, under a fluffy blanket and hide from the world. Another person, human this time, got to the reception near the dog hybrid and lightly banged his head.

-"Don't scare this girl off, Jackson" he lightly scolded the dog hybrid who scoffed. He looked really tired, dark circles, red eyes and quick movements.

-"If you didn't accept these fuckers, headmaster Jaebum, I wouldn't be ticked so easily. I haven't slept for days and you make me take care of a panic struck and scared little girl" the hybrid massaged his temples.

-"Jackson" the human warned asking for a minimum of respect. I felt like it was my fault so I asked.

-"Fuckers?" you asked quietly and Jackson jerked his hands up in the air and a few of the staff sighed.

-"Since you're going to be here often, I'll tell you." Jaebum nodded to the hybrid. "Five days ago, seven male predatory hybrids arrived here. They barely talk to us, they barely eat, they're motherfucking aggressive and it's impossible to check on their wound to see if they are okay or not. We noticed one of them had an infected ear that needs to be treated today and there is simply no way to approach him without" he showed you his bandaged arms and torso "getting fucking clawed by the others" Jaebum looked sorry towards the hybrid.

-"Can I see them?" your question surprised you more than it surprised the other people present.

-"You want to...meet?" Jaebum asked "They are from gangs, they lived through hell because of humans. They absolutely loathe me." He said and you nodded taking another step back towards the automatic doors leading to the outside.

-"Can she see them through the no see mirror" Jackson mumbled, but we both heard him. Jaebum had an eye conversation with Jackson and after a minute he nodded. "Follow me, brave scared girl" he began to walk and had no other choice than to tag along.

I didn't know what got to me. I never asked for something like this: meeting serial killers hybrids? Me? I shake my head no way. We arrived in a room and Jackson put a button on. The hybrids you saw inside completely froze before starting to whisper to each other glancing at the mirror. They couldn't see you, but you very well could see them. They were gorgeous.

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