Fantasy 1.1: A new beginning

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The kingdom of all kingdoms. 

The realm were Bladers, Pacifiers, Enforcers and Shooters existed.

 When a person was born, he received a gift which was either the power to control blades, an amazing strength or to be able to shoot with precision. In each case, they were battle skills and not everyone had the need to be always the one fighting.

There was a need to mediate and to take control of things through reason sometimes and not through fists. Thus some people acquired the Pacifiers gene that they could cultivate or most of them kept it as an advantage. 

Of course not everyone could be a Pacifier.

Don't be fooled. 

Pacifiers were seen as manipulative people: they could calm your feelings and make you melt with only a touch. Moreover, they were usually extremely easy targets. Enforcers could be responsible for their protection most of the time, but more and more people avoided being solely Pacifiers. 

The rarest case were the Trials who had the three gifts and Duals who had already two of them: none of them employed the Pacifier ability of course. Pacifiers were not considered as gifted of course. 

It was their sad reality and yet they were still necessary in Arlan. 

To avoid hot headed military leaders to put forward their dictatorship. Thus a kingdom: a monarchal family with a king, his several wives and 8 princess and 4 princes minus the crown prince.

Arlan had the well-known Academy. 

It was after what would be high school were everyone pursued a normal scholarship that they would enter the Academy. There you had two options: become a guard or something else. Guards were the most respectful job out there and very well-paid. Guards were the one who used their abilities the most while others well kind of forgot about their ability or didn't use them as much. 

Nobility or Aristocracy were most of the time leads in the guard jobs, but there were also a few exceptions within the normal people.

The Academy was controlled by the third queen as the chairwoman. She stayed in her palace though and checked on things from afar.


Because within the people were rebels but also the worst enemy of humans: demons. Feral, dangerous, vicious and able to kill you in mere seconds, demons were the nightmare of the people and that was the reason why the Academy forced their students to go out in the forest surrounding the building and fight them out. 

Assassination attempts on the royal family were also on the regular unfortunately.

Despite all of that, every kid of the age of 20 was forced to go to the Academy for 4 to 7 years. It was too build their mentality after high school and to be the strongest and be able to fight demons off easily.

 No matter their rank, the young adults had to mingle and fight the demons off and follow the lessons of the Academy. 

No exceptions even for the royals.

An important information would be that Duels were allowed in the Academy. One could ask another in duel and except the case were the opponent was a Pacifier or part so, he couldn't refuse. 

You could be ridiculed or applauded: everything was narrowed down to your ability to manipulate your gift. However, instead of real injuries, duels only inflicted pain. Pain on the same level of those injuries if the bullet, the punch or the slash had been real.

Now the backstory of the main character: Jung Ela. Ela is the type of person who is attracted to physical touch. 

She hates fighting the most and loathes violence. If it was down to her, she would be a Pacifier. She loves hugs from the person she likes and hates violence thus she would be perfect for the job. However, life is never that easy. 

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