Hybrid 6.1

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Yet another day in University. Taking this lessons and enjoying the beautiful rays of the sun on your skin as you studied indefinitely in the library. A small smile reaching your lips as your friends sighed for the 12th time in less than 10 minutes. 

Amelia was a cat hybrid with a lot of pent up energy. She was this beautiful brown stripped cat and had the energy of a hyper dog. On the other hand, Nathan, a grey fluffy cat hybrid was dozing off looking like he would fall asleep any minutes from now. A chuckle escaped your lips as both hybrids woken up by the sound playfully glared at you.

"Let's take a bit of fresh air." You said gathering your stuff

"She finally said it..." Amelia said in awe

"Drama Queen..." Nathan and you both whispered at the same time

By the time, the three of you stepped out, Amelia was sulking as Nathan and you both laughed out loud. People from the campus glanced at you: some with surprise, other with frowns and some with a certain envy. In effect, it was pretty rare for humans to hang out with hybrids. 

Even if it had been more than 20 years, that the bill about hybrids and humans equality was passed, there were still a lot of reticence from the people. Discrimination was common so many anti-hybrid discrimination units were created. Moreover, it was still common for hybrids to be owned by humans as pets... Although, it was pretty rare.

"Look" Nathan said as he pointed to a direction to your right

In the middle of the campus, a crowd and some voice swearing could be heard. You advanced through the crowd, Nathan dragging you until he froze. You peeked over his shoulder as he stood protectively in front of you. A bunny hybrid was on the ground glaring at a human man in his forties. The man disheveled and obviously not in a right mind of state was holding a broken wine bottle. 

The hybrid, already a scratch on his cheek had obviously been tripped. People had called the police, but it would take them forever to come here with the traffic at this hour. You walked past Nathan and Amelia despite them trying to hold you back.

"Mister, excuse me are you alright?" you asked the man first sliding between him and the hybrid

"THIS ANIMAL!" the man was drunk for sure

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think that this is the way you reason with people. Moreover pointing a glass, that could be used as a weapon towards someone, human or not, is considered as assault." You said glancing at the hybrid behind you who looked quite surprised of you standing there

"HE MADE ME TRIP ON PURPOSE!" the man wobbled screaming "Are you saying that I am at fault?" he gritted

"Again, sir. Screaming, threatening a person like this is assault. The police-"

Your body reacted on its own as the man swung is wine bottle his way. The glass penetrated your left shoulder deeply as you covered the hybrid with your body. The pain exploded in your right shoulder as the man grabbed you by your hair, before people finally decided to intervene. Immobilizing the man took a while, then the hybrid unit arrived.

"Jungkook!" you heard someone scream

You stepped back holding your shoulder that was bleeding quite a lot as Nathan and Amelia rushed to your side. A police officer rushed to the bunny hybrid, he was a predator hybrid, but from the look of it they were also in the same pack. The bunny hybrid seemingly snapping out of his shock pointed to you.

"Hyung, she saved me." He whispered pointing to you "She's bleeding out, Hyung. You need to call an ambulance." He panicked

You widened your eyes looking at your shoulder and shaking your head slightly as the wolf hybrid focused his attention on you. Nathan covered you from site, feeling protective of you. The wolf hybrid raised his hands in defense until another scream was heard.

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