Hybrid 5.8: Jin

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"Ela!" a voice woke me up

I tiredly rose finding myself alone in bed, or not quite because Taehyung was above me. He pulled me in his arm before deciding I was too slow. He ran downstairs as I put my arms around me slowly. I recognized Linda with difficulty and then I noticed someone beside her. The man had broad shoulder, sharp features, looked quite tall and his ears nor his tail let anything doubt about his species. He was something different and then it hit me: a lynx. He was a lynx, but that didn't tell me what a lynx was doing in my living room at 9 in the morning on a Monday.

"Morning Linda." I said as an excited Taehyung put me down

"You're hurt?" she said

Taehyung froze and looked guilty his tail between his legs. I brushed the remark away and Yoongi gave her coffee while I received herbal tea. I glared at the tea that was good for the health, but Yoongi didn't say anything. Hoseok plopped down on another chair and Jimin sat beside me. Linda glanced at the male beside her who had his eyes wandering around before looking at each of the hybrids and then at me and then starting again.

"So what do you have for me?" I asked pointing to the lynx "I got Hoseok a month ago, then I got a Taehyung yesterday and now what?" I said

Linda grimaced.

"He's almost thirty" she said

I glanced at the male who looked down. Thirty and no owner, so he was going to be put down if I didn't adopt him. However, the lad was handsome, but something told me that the lynx wasn't that easy to handle.

"What's his problem then? He's handsome enough to be adopted by a few old ladies." I said

Linda bit her lips and kept quiet. The lynx got up and took his shirt off. The whipping marks, the marks of abuse and the bruises were outstanding, but not in a good way. Clear scars. I wondered what happened to this hybrid, but kept quiet.

"He's too damaged." Linda let out "Nobody wants him after discovering his body. Usually, hybrids heal quite fast, but he just doesn't." She sighed "And the limit date is today. And you already have a lot of cats." She added eyeing the hybrids around "Code red cats." She said

"What do you think?" I said to the hybrid

"My name is Jin. I'm useful: I can clean, cook, do the dishes and wake you up on time. I don't eat that much and-"I cut him off

"That's not what I said Jin. What do you think about living here with that many other people? Is that fine with you?" he widened his eyes before cautiously nodding unsure about the question "It's not a trick." I said

"I don't mind it" he said eyeing Yoongi in the kitchen "I think I got to ask the Alpha." I glanced at Yoongi

He remained quiet.

"I'm the one in charge unfortunately for you. It's my decision." I said and Yoongi stiffened I could see it from the living room "You don't really have a choice anyway."

I quickly read over the paper. Jimin and the other had left to the kitchen leaving me alone with Linda. Then something struck my eyes: owner: three. Killed: three. I snapped my head to Linda who jolted knowing I had gotten to that part.

"You killed you three other owners?" I whispered

Silence in the kitchen and in the apartment.

"Yes." Jin said

It was firm, without a regret and stern.

"Will you tell me why?" I asked

"No" He said immediately

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