Another College Story 1.1

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"Kimmy!" I called

My Samoyed walked up to me and I could almost tell it was as excited as I was. I was moving into my first apartment and enter the Britton College. I was glad to move away from my controlling parents and even happier about the fact that I had gained some money doing some part-time jobs during middle school and high school.

 Now I had some allowance and my rent was going to be paid by my parents, while I would take care of the food and such. Working in a dog cafe just in the middle of the way to my University would allow me to take Kimmy everywhere.

Kimmy laid his head on my laps as I sat in the middle of the kitchen on one of my four chairs. Whining softly, I snapped out of my thoughts.

"You're the best." I said kissing her head

Kimmy was my therapy dog. I got her when I was 15. She was abandoned in an alley. On a whim, I took her home to my parents and cleaned her up, chipped her up and adopted her My parents fortunately became fond of her, but with reasons. 

Kimmy listened so well and was everything but an over energetic dog. She was 8 years old in dog's age now. Although she had a collar, she carried her own leash and always listened to me. Always.

"Want to take a walk?" I asked

Kimmy woofed and disappeared. I put my jacket on and began searching for my scarf. Another woof attracted my attention. Raising my head, I saw Kimmy holding my red scarf as if rolling her eyes. She walked over and put the scarf in my hand. I took it and petted her head as she walked away again.

"I'm coming." I said

Walking out the apartment, she held her leash as I closed the door. An unknown voice was then heard.


I turned around to lock eyes with a beautiful man with broad shoulders and a kind smile. He was holding two bags of groceries and Kimmy walked to stand between me and the stranger.

"Hello." I greeted back with a small smile

One thing about me was that I was not really a people person and even less a social butterfly. Kimmy on the other hand loved people and also felt when people were good or bad. I had recognized her talent more than once. As she wasn't barking and just sat in front of me, I considered the man with a little more warmth.

"I just moved in room 200." I said with a smile "It is really nice to meet you, are you...?" I trailed off

"I'm from room 202. Kim Seokjin." He greeted

"Ela." I said shaking the hand he put forward putting his bags down

"You live just beside Jimin and Namjoon." He said in a mumble before flushing at my questionable look "They are my friends from University, really great people. I live with two other people and you'll probably meet soon." He then brightened even more 

"How about dinner at our place tonight?" he said with a big smile

I looked down at Kimmy. I wasn't really against it, but I always wanted some peace. If I accepted, I would build relationships and I wasn't really excited about this for now. Relationships meant a lot of burden.

"I'm a bit tired from the move..."I said with an apologetic smile

"Not a problem, I'll make all the food!" he said showing me the groceries "You can bring your dog over naturally." He added with a kind smile


A bark from Kimmy made me look at her. She looked back and forth between Jin and me and barked once again.

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