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A/N: So for those who had read my first update. I would like to inform you that I made a mistake on that part and so this is the original and fix Chapter #24 of this story. 

I'm not sure how long this story because originally I planned to make it until Chapter #25 but it was absurd to do it now. Anyway, since its not time for us to goodbye on this story let's just enjoy it and see how Natsu and Lucy develop. 


I BREATHED a sigh of relief as I felt the familiar security surrounding my body. I immediately looked at the man's face to make sure he was holding me "Natsu" I whispered.

I saw the astonishment on his face as he looked at me but instead of speaking and asking me he immediately hugged me tighter. I knew my whole body was trembling but I struggled to fight the fear that was slowly enveloping my whole system.

"Babe? Hey?" I heard Natsu call me but it seems like his voice is too far from me.

My eyes never leave that man's face and I saw how his lips twisted into a smirk as if he was enjoying seeing me like this, "Princess, your prince is calling you. Aren't you going to answer him?" His image overlapped with a young version of him who had been torturing me as if I were a dog that needed to be taught.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" I heard Natsu ask in a calm manner but it gives me shivers down my spine. I knew that he's mad and he was just trying to control himself – probably he was thinking that he might hurt me in the process.

"What is going on here?" it was the guard who asked us.

"Take that man away right now. He dared to try to harm my girl" it was chaotic and Robert was trying to explain himself but the guard immediately grabbed Robert and started to take him away

"I just asked her to have a coffee with me" Robert said almost like he was shouting and his eyes were fuming – it was the same fuming eyes that looked at me ages ago.

I close my eyes sharply as I remember him torturing me. Memories that should be buried in oblivion but forced to return because of him. There are a few people who stop and look at us which makes my situation even worse.

"Please" I mumble.

Natsu looked down at me "I'm here, babe" he said before kissing me on my forehead, "just take him away" Natsu glared at Robert with contempt, as if he wanted to punch him.

Robert quickly released the anger from his face "You are mistaken. I saw her alone, and since we are classmate and friend during our high school days, I offered her to have a coffee with me, I haven't laid my hands on her, and I never had a bad intentions behind my offer"

Because it was a plausible comeback, the guards looked at each other with puzzled faces. Natsu, who had quietly watched the situation, opened his mouth "Robert Gillian"

Then, Robert's gaze reached Natsu. For a moment, I saw the familiar gaze he sent to Natsu which made me scared for Natsu's life. I remember how he acted like a gentleman outside but tortured me when he kidnapped me. He was good at lying and pretending.

"I...I think I've overreacted because I haven't socialize with my classmate before" I held on Natsu's shirt which makes him look at me again, "Natsu please, I want to go home" I mumble enough for him to be heard "It is true that he offered me to have a coffee. I'm just over reacting because I wasn't recognize his face immediately"

I saw Robert twist his lips into a smile as if he liked my response "But, I'm sorry to tell you this, Sir Gillian. I don't have a spare time to accept your offer." His smile faded and I looked at Natsu's face "We should go home now, Natsu" I say softly.

I knew my complexion was still white, but my hands were starting to warm. The trembling of my body gradually subsided. It was almost pitiable how much I was pretending to be fine.

Natsu picked his phone from his pocket and called someone on his contact list. I didn't hear what he said but after he put down his phone. After his call, he excused himself and carried me – I immediately encircled my arms around his shoulder and buried my face on his neck. When he finally put me inside the car – he did not leave immediately and stared at my face for a moment.

"Did he do something bad to you, for you to scare you like this, babe?" he calmly asked me.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Natsu" I say, trying to sound innocent.

He sighs "You said that you don't have a friend aside from Erza, Lisanna, my brother and your sister. He wasn't your friend because is he is... you won't trembling like that"

"Why? Is my complexion a while ago," I pause "that bad?"

"Yes" he immediately answered "You look like... you were scared as if he was going to hurt you."

My eyes watered as I looked at him, "I want to rest now," I smiled at him "can we go home first?"

"You're not ready to tell me, aren't you?" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. He still had that straightforward, no nonsense way of speaking that could cause misunderstanding. I laughed as if it was absurd, then I tacked on an explanation.

"Because it wasn't worth our time. I'm sorry that I couldn't answer your question right away, Natsu"

Natsu glanced sideways at my cheeks, where my complexion was now fully returned "Again, I will wait for you until you are finally ready to tell me everything, babe"

I blinked because I hadn't thought that he would be concerned about my condition. Everything that's happening these past few days feels like a dream.

I smiled with sincere gratitude but my tears dripped from my eyes as if it had its own mind. I saw his eyes widen as he looked at me. I slowly raised my hand and touched his cheek. "He was once my friend, Natsu." I really don't want to say it to him but I think he deserve to know.

He probably does not remember Robert Gillian anymore. But the happy moments that I shared with Robert Gillian as a friend came back as if it happened yesterday. Those happy moments that built my high school into unforgettable memories because it was amazing to begin with. I smiled bitterly, until I was reminded of how that person I thought would save me had hurt me.

It was unbelievable how a person can turn their back to you just because of money.

"Until he hurt me."

I saw unfamiliar emotion that flashes on his eyes as he looks at me. His hand reaches mine and squeezes it "I will not let him do that again, babe" he said, his eyes gentle "I will protect you."

_________________________End of Chapter #24

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