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A/N: So since it's my birthday, I'll update this story as gift. I hope you find this entertaining. lol! 


IT FEELS good to be able to go back to my job. I haven't been able to work for a few weeks because of my flu. Add to that that even though I was fine Natsu didn't immediately allow me to work because of the incident that happened at the mall.

Natsu didn't ask any questions except for the previous questions he asked me in the car. And I'm happy that he respects my private life. The downside of that, he kind of forbade me to go out because that incident might happen again. Which I really doubt unless Robert did try to do something?

I continued my walk until I reached my office. There were also a few colleagues who stared at me, perhaps they thought I had resigned because of my unannounced absence. I just ignored them. My office is located near Zeref's office. Umm... before you get to my office you will first go through Zeref's secretary (who is also my secretary from time – to – time). Then, the first door that you will see in the vicinity is Zeref's office and the next door is my office.

"Good morning, Mr. Secretary" I greeted him the moment I entered the vicinity.

He looked at me and then greeted me as well, he picked some folder on his cabinet then he followed me. Fuck! I think I will work too hard today.

I did my routine inside my office before I sat down on my swivel chair, "Do you miss me that much?" I joke with him.

He beams at me as if he finally removes that unwanted task that he has during my absence. He carefully put all the folders on my table which made me smile sarcastically. I look at him waiting for his explanation about this damn document in front of me.

"Because you were absent for almost a month—"

"Hold up!" I cut him off "I'm not absent for a month. Stop accusing me" I say as I cross my arms below my breast.

His lips twisted into a sarcastic smile "Right. My bad" he said slightly bowing his head "You are just absent for twenty – eight days." My mouth parted on what he had said, twenty – eight days? That long "Anyway, this is all the data that you asked during the meeting twenty – eight days ago. Also, the black folder are the problems that we face during your absence. I think some of the data are having difficult to open because of some bugs"

I completely ignored the way he spoke the 'twenty – eight days' because I focused on what he said in the latter "Bugs? What bugs?" I ask as I pick the black folder and open it myself. Scanning the entire data before looking back to the person in front of me "I'll work on this problem today. Kindly inform all the employees to use the back – up server for the meantime. And as for this report, I'll scan it myself. You can go back to your place now" I said, dismissing him.

I might sound impolite to him. But I really have to start working on the bug since someone is trying to put a virus in the system that I created myself.

I sighed when he came out of my office. I removed the coat I was wearing and laid it on the back of my chair then I walked to my closet to take off my clothes I was wearing and change into comfortable clothes.

And you are right! I have my own closet inside my office because I stay here more often. In other words, my office is my second house. Add to that, when our server had this problem it took me two to three days before I fixed it.

Like what I've said before, Zeref's company is bigger than you imagine. That is why some of our competitors are trying to put some bugs on our server to get some classified information.


I froze on my spot when I heard a familiar voice echoed in my entire office. I looked behind me and bit my other lip when I saw his shocked figure. Fuck!

He approached me as he took off his coat and when he got close to me he immediately wrapped my body with his coat. "Why are you undressing here?" he asked me.

"Why are you here?" I asked in shock

"You didn't wait for me before leaving my house," he immediately replied "I came here to see if you arrived safely. Only to find out that you were undressing. What if someone else came in here?" he almost yelled at me.

"No one will come into my office while I'm here" I said in the matter – in – fact tone. That is true and not bluff. No one is allowed to enter my office without my permission whenever I'm in.

He licked his lower lips as he glared at me, "You can't be so sure, babe" he said, emphasizing his words.

"This is not the first time I did this," I said innocently, and I felt him tighten his grip on me "I can't work using my corporate clothes. It's uncomfortable" I pouted my lips as I looked at him with my pleading eyes.

He looked at me as his lips tightened, "Damn it!" he removed the arms around me and without hesitation left my office.

But before he could leave completely I saw the redness in his ears. What the!

"What happened to him?" I whispered to myself.

I spent my whole day reading the reports that Zeref's secretary gave to me. I encircle all the loopholes I found in the report because I have the feeling that it is different in the data that is being stored in my server. I looked to the left of my office where three large monitors were placed. While I was reading the reports I was currently running a checker for the server. Two of those monitors show how to check the server and one monitor inputs the viruses detected during the checking.

"Ha!" I couldn't help myself to laugh sarcastically as the virus suddenly multiplied placed on the monitor, "this stupid moron!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I immediately ran to my computer. I immediately sat down and started typing on my keyboard. Someone stupid used a server and not only that, he even installed a virus.

I am currently busy when my phone suddenly rings. It took me three miscalls before I reached my phone. I didn't check the caller that is why I was stunned to hear that familiar voice on the other line.

"I'm going home, Lucy"

I held my breath at what I heard. At the same time, Natsu entered my office. He looked at me and smiled but I couldn't bring myself to speak. I can feel that my whole body is trembling.

"Lucy? Are you there? Did you erase my number? This is Lisanna"

________________________________ End of Chapter #25

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