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a/n: Yes. I have a new update lol. Time check 1:10 AM in our country and I'm still wide awake, lol. 


"I HAVE to love myself before I accept your feelings Natsu—"

I couldn't finish talking, Natsu ran towards me and clasped me tightly in his arms. He buried his face in my neck and wrapped his arms behind my back.

I quickly threw my arms around his neck when I felt my feet lifted in the air. I hold onto him tightly and open my mouth with caution.

"I'm sorry, Natsu," I mumble.

Natsu's sobs, as he tightened his grip on me and buried his face on my neck. The pain and regret that tried to drive me mad gradually subsided. It was like, his hug is enough for me to forgive him for all the pain he gave me.

"I should be the one who apologizes to you, babe" he said "I'd hurt you" he sobs.

My mouth parted – it was unbelievable to see him acting like this towards me. But I couldn't be held like this forever. I had to leave him by tomorrow and start living my life that focuses on myself.

"It's okay" I say as I gently patted his head "you don't know that I loved you"

He didn't speak and just hugged me even tighter. I heard his soft sob as his face was buried against my neck.

I wanted to calm him down but I didn't know how. I wanted to tell him not to cry because seeing him like this – is making my heart in pain too. But I couldn't find myself telling those things to him – because I don't have the right to do that.

And I can't tell him not to cry – because I don't know how much pain he's feeling right now. Yes, we are both hurting but the pain that I felt is different from what he feel.

"I want to date you. I want to make you happy. I want to talk to you about your work, about your day, about your favorite things. I want to be in a relationship with you. I want to love you. I want to hold your hand. I want to hug you and kiss you."


"I want to sleep with you, babe"

I stirred in his arms and I heard him sigh again. He lowered his head and whispered softly into my ears.

"You makes me become a crazy person, babe"


I opened my lips in confusion, but seeing Natsu's eyes, patiently waiting, I closed my mouth again.

The atmosphere was unusual. And I could feel my breathing being weird, and my flesh seemed to tingle.

I'm neither young nor naïve. And I couldn't misread this tension. Natsu was quietly asking my permission.

I lightly brushed my hair on my nape, Natsu understood the signal and stole my lips. I could feel my body stiffened. His breath was flowing into her mouth. It was rugged, yet kind. I could feel his deep longing in the hand that embraced me.

I swallowed a sigh.

I knew that by leaving him, I had avoided confronting his feelings, but now... I was facing them. My mind is telling me to push him, that I should pretend to have no knowledge of what he meant. Or maybe I should strike him across the cheeks and yell at him for his impudence.

And yet, here I am... closing my eyes.

Instead of pushing him away, I hugged his neck more tightly. As our bodies exchange heat. In this quiet space, there was only the sound of panting.

Natsu, who had greedily snatched away my breath, eventually started to treat me more carefully and affectionately.

It was like he was holding something lovely in his arms and all he could do was to kiss it, again and again, eager and wild. I didn't fear that someone might come across this scene. Rather, I wanted to be seen like this and become known as Natsu's woman.

However, we both were aware that this moment was only a dream. This moment will be the last time we are going to let our feelings take control of our body. Because after we confirmed our feelings and shared our heart for each other would soon end.

I felt him, pulling me even more as if he couldn't let go of me. He only loosened his hold on me for a brief moment to breathe before persistently pursuing my lips again. Again and again, he took me in.

He continued this silent conversation like it was our last.

I kissed him even deeper. He had let me down at some point, and I finally stepped on the ground, I pulled in Natsu's cheeks with my hand and opened my mouth.

"I can't breathe," I gasped. I forced myself to frown harshly and find fault with him.

Natsu silently stared into my eyes. It was a gaze that weakened my heart. I started to waver but he just pulled me into him and immediately merged our lips.

I tried to push him away, but Natsu ignored my hand and tried to kiss me again.


I kissed him first to appease him. Then I spoke in a cold voice that contracted my act.

"I'm going to leave tomorrow, Natsu. I already booked my flight tomorrow. We can date tomorrow. We can talk about lots of things. You can hold my hand and you can hug me. But in a relationship? I don't think I can give that to you. We only have twenty hours before my flight"

Natsu quietly listened to my words but his arms are still around my waist, "About sleeping together" I flush "I don't think I'm ready to have sex with you"

Natsu blinked his eyes twice and then bit his lower lips as if he was trying to stop himself from laughing. I frowned and was about to speak when he start laughing

"Why the hell are you laughing?" I ask as my cheeks blush even more. I couldn't hide my embarrassment caused by his actions.

Natsu raised his one hand and gently caressed my cheeks as he stared at my face. "What I meant by sleeping together is really just sleeping, babe. I don't mean to do some kinky stuff" I flush even more which makes Natsu grinned "Then I'll be your boyfriend until you leave"


"I just want to be with you before you leave me"

I paused for a moment and stare on his face. Before I let another sigh,  "My mind won't change. I'll do what I want, Natsu"

Natsu slowly nodded, I slowly left his embrace. It was time to return to reality. I turned around and was about to leave, when Natsu trapped me in his arms, as if he had been waiting. He kissed me lightly and murmured

"I will also do what I want, babe."

With that declaration of war, he stole my breath once again. 

_______________________________ End of Chapter #31

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