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a/n: Did I make this story boring? I feel like you guys are not satisfied this past chapters that I uploaded. 

P.S Please leave a comment, so I would know what you are thinking about this book. T_T I might stop writing this book if you keep on being a silent reader T_T 


IT TOOK me three days to finally fix our system. Seventy – two hours without sleeping. Seventy – two hours non-stop thinking about the system and of course the imminent return of Lisanna. I didn't tell Natsu about this news because I'm worried that his treatment of me would change again.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 7:30 am, employees are about to arrive. I set aside my personal thoughts, I opened my email and composed a memo that they could now use the company's official system. And since there was a spy inside the company I made a click bait to catch that person. Yes, I might be a bitch but I'm freaking cool when it's about my job!

Anyway, my memo states the link where my modified documents are posted and they can view and read the document. But of course, they can download the file, it's just that when they start to download the file, their computer will automatically get a virus. Yeah, I know this is risky but trust me on this part.

After completing my job. I decided to wash myself in my private washroom. Like what I've said before, my office is like my house. I also changed clothes before I left my office. I even caught up with Zeref's secretary who had just arrived and brought coffee for me.

I smiled at him "Good morning, Mr. Secretary"

He sighs, "Are you done fixing it?"

I nodded in response "And since, I worked seventy - two hours maybe I can take a day off for three days"

Yes, three days! Because I need to recollect myself before Lisanna's arrival.

"Yes you can!" he sighed "But no one is forcing you to work like that, Miss Lucy"

I flip my hair and wink at him "I'm just awesome."

He handed me my coffee from Starbucks and gently patted my head "Good job! Now, you can go home and sleep. You look like a zombie who lacks nutrition"

I face furrowed, are there zombies complete with nutrition?

I ignored what he said and just nodded. When I came out of the building I decided to stretch my body. I sat for three days so I felt like all my bones were glued together in one place. I was in the middle of stretching my body when I felt eyes staring at me. I immediately looked around and my eyes widened when I saw the familiar figure looking at me.

My mouth parted when I saw him trying his best not to laugh "What the!" I blush

The guy casually walked over to me and smiled "I miss you, brat"

My eyes narrowed "What are you doing here, Archer?"

He scratched his neck, as one of his hands was placed in his pocket "Every day I pass by here. Hoping that I will see you," he mumbled under his breath but enough for me to hear.

I looked at the man in disbelief. His cheeks flushed as if he was embarrassed by what he said "Why?" I asked.

He frowned "What do you mean, why?" he scowled "I haven't seen you for a month, Lucy. Of course, I'll miss you"

"Why?" I ask, trying to understand his action. I'm confused.

"I...I... actually... ermm..." he looks at the sky "this is not what I've imagine" he mumbled to himself but I heard it loud and clear.

"Are you alright, Archer?" I ask worriedly.

He looked directly into my eyes then bit his lower lips. I raise my brow to him – asking him to speak

"Would... would you like to have breakfast with me?"

I opened my mouth to speak but I felt someone grab me from my arms and pull me to his side. My eyes widened when I saw another familiar figure standing beside me "What the hell, do you want her?" it was Natsu who said it.

Archer frowned "Do I have to answer your question, Mister Dragneel?" Archer said innocently "It's not like we're doing something inappropriate"

After he said that he immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. Natsu's eyes narrowed at the man in front of him. Natsu also held my other hand – in the midst of a flurry of unexpected development, he recited in a lower voice

"Let go!"

A cold chill swept over the back of my neck. I was suddenly nervous about my situation now, because this is what happened when I last saw Archer causing Natsu to harass me. I inhale trying to calm myself – I hurriedly remove their hands on me. However, the hot palms that they lay on me didn't budge at all.

"... Archer? Natsu?"

I twisted my wrist again, calling them. But the more I struggled, the stronger the power of clamping down.

"Both of you! Enough! Let go of your hand. It hurts!"

They both look down on me and I scowl. The fuck! After meeting my eyes for a moment, they finally loosened their grip on me. I immediately stepped back from them and paid a silent tribute to Natsu. Who is now glaring at me? What the fuck did I do to him?

"What are you doing here, Heartfilia?" he ask me

Why the fuck is he so angry? Heartfilia? I haven't heard that from him in a long time. If I answered him sarcastically he would surely throw a fit. I let out a deep sigh before I tilt my head and look at him "I'm about to go home,"

"Isn't work time now?" the cold gaze went beyond me to Archer, beside me "Why are you here with him?"

"I work twenty – two hours non-stop, Mister Dragneel. I think I do have a rights to rest" I say, shuffling in front of Archer as if I were protecting him from Natsu "And so happened that Archer was asking me to have breakfast with him"

"A breakfast date?"

What? Date? I saw his mauve eyes spark splashing in his eyes as to what had hurt his sarcasm. His head began to blink dangerously. But I felt more scared of his face which was turning violently. Natsu looked alternately at me and Archer with a contemptuous tone

"You said you're going to rest. Is this what you called 'rest'?"

"We all have our own definition of 'rest' Mister Dragneel" I said, trying to hold my temper a little bit more. Natsu acting like this really confuses me more than anything.

I stared at his face trying to understand his behavior but since I couldn't understand him. I couldn't help but sigh "If you don't like me having a conversation with my friend in front of this building, then we'll go somewhere"


I felt a warm hand gently holding my hand. I tilt my head to the top and look up at him. Archer's eyes are looking towards me with too much concern. I smile at him a little, silently telling him that I'm fine.

Archer sighs then looks directly at Natsu who is now glaring at him even more "Stop acting like you own this lady, Mister Dragneel," Natsu looks at him in surprise. I open my mouth to stop Archer but he just continue "Stop acting like that because you are scaring her"


"Let's go, Lucy"

This is the first time someone has told Natsu how I feel every time he acts like this in front of me.

Before we could pass him I could see the shock in his eyes as he looked at me, as if he didn't know I was afraid of him. I avoided his gaze on me and as I silently followed Archer's lead.

It's true that I'm afraid of him... I'm afraid that he will hurt me even more. But I was more afraid of myself, because despite the pain he gave me.

I am still ready to love him.

_____________________________ End of Chapter #26

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