a secret riddle is born

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It was a dark and stormy night cold and  un forgivable. It was also Halloween eve the biggest night of the year. Its as big as Christmas is to muggles. And just as the clock tolled 12 a beautiful song could be heard .the cry of a new baby girl and as the dr came out of the room tom /voldemort. Approached him with  cold unfeeling eyes .well hows my wife and child . There are perfect my lord . You may leave but no one is to know of her do you understand. Yes my lord I understand her importance to our cause. Your right but I also love my daughter  and wife and will protect them .I understand good night my lord . Once he was sure the dr was gone he sent his most trusted elf to bring him lucius malfoy John Parkinson and snape. Once the elf was gone went into the room only lit by candles. and there he saw hes love and his little one .and as he looked at her he felt something something that until now he has only felt for one person his wife Bellatrix. He felt love and it was then he named her oh my little one you Are like a love song so beautiful with the power to melt a million hearts with a look .and I will always keep you safe and so I will give you the most pureblood and beautiful name I know .you are my Hermione.  And with that he left the crib and walked to bella who was nervous. Whats wrong my darling why do you look scared.  Oh tom I know you wanted a boy im sorry I let you down .I could never be let down by you I love her and you you two are what I'm fighting for. yes its for power but the power to keep our traditions and ways of life for our children and there's so no more tears .and with that he picked up Hermione and sat meet to bella on the bed .and thay sat that way enjoying his family and thay were at peace. Just then the elf came .he told him the group he sent for were there he was told to put them in the front meeting room .and then kissed his wife and child good night.  And down the stairs he went to start a perfectly layed out plan to keep her safe and help the cause. As he approaches the room he could hear the men talking but he also knew it had to be the new baby's thay all just had. Well here it gos . And in he went closing the door behind him.

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Im going to go with the twist here the he never killed potters family and so he looks like tom but is called voldemort he did kill Dumbledore so he's not in this stay with me it will be good i promise

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Im going to go with the twist here the he never killed potters family and so he looks like tom but is called voldemort he did kill Dumbledore so he's not in this stay with me it will be good i promise.

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