the ball and the news

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Hermione your pregnant. A shocking thought went through her head she would have to tell her parents . Why was this year so hard . Frist braking a promise to her mom then still by luck of the gods getting Harry and Ron to thank she was there best friend. Then keeping her relationship with malfoy a secret and school work up and now this . She need a vacation. We'll the pink haired witch Lilly said we have to tell the head mistress and your parents. Its the law with underage witchs. Ginny yes Hermione do me a favor anything my lady . Save my dad the trouble and kill me . Oh Hermione grow a back bone your suppose to be our fearless leader . Your right .well what did you find out about pansy. Ok promise you won't be mad . Oh lord what did she do now . Well you know how we have all been looking for Ron Weasley. Yes . He's in her trunk he hit on her and she killed him she is sorry . Oh well if she's sorry how do we get Potter with out Weasley. Please don't yell its not good for the baby . Ginny im loseing my temper . I already started the polyjuice it will be ready in 3days had to use a extra amount to speed up brew time but we will keep schedule with trap . Thank gods ok tell pansy to get rid of body . And don't screw this up any more . Got it . Just then in walked narssesa. Well Lilly why am I here . We have an underage pregnant witch id say 1 month along . Well this is a shock who . Shes right here she pulled back the curtain and almost fainted Hermione yes but draco dose not know yet . I have to tell you parents. I know but after the ball tomorrow Please. Yes but draco has been with your dad all morning he just got back . Why whats happened. Don't worry he made a deal with him for your hand . Oh he needs to deliver Ron and Harry to the trap . Oh no we have to help him . Why have we not found Ron yet . Thats the thing and so ginny told the whole story to narssesa. Well let's hope the polyjuice works and your father approves the plan . Just then the doors flung open and in walked tom and bella . Weres my baby. What happened why are you here who called you . I did Lilly said narssesa and Hermione both made a note to kill her later. Now tom ill tell you what is wrong but you must promise not to kill anyone. No Please no pretty Please oh what is it did draco hurt you if he did I will make death slow and painful. No dad im pregnant. Just then bella was as narssesa happy and in shock. Just then eavryone saw Tommy he was stood there with blank face twitching his head talking in unknown language and his eyes were red this is bad someone find draco before he doses as ginny stood bella whispered/yelled hurry run run now and she did now bella tried to calm him . Now tom we had Hermione soon after we met remember it will be ok . No you are going to have a baby soon any day. And now this boy has taken advantage of my daughter the lords daughter hoe dare he think he can take something from me. Now tom narssesa begins you just said this morning thay could marry upon his task being done . Well he better or he dies . Daddy he did not take advantage of me I love him please don't kill him and we have a slight change to our plans for the trap and so narssesa explained the situation and thay all agreed to the change ginny will play Ron she know him best . By the time ginny came in with draco tom was calmer but he still was passed. Hermione why are you here you ok my love . Yes but draco I have something to tell you why are your parents here and my mum . Because I'm pregnant and with that he fainted and was put in the bes next to Hermione. See this is th be my son in law my second in command. It was a lot to take in dear here's some more my water broke. And with that thay all but draco went to st mungos and she had a baby boy and it was toms joy that showed what do we name him tom he looks like you . Yes my son . I remember Hermione being born what happened. She grew up we have to let her fly not let her go but help her be an adult she needs us more now she pregnant. And tom you have go easy on malfoy like it or not she loves him and I want to be in her life don't make her choose. Your right bella my love . But he has to work on taking big news better .

Baby tom

Now let's get Hermione back to school she needs her rest and tomorrow the girls get there glamors off and dresses on

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Now let's get Hermione back to school she needs her rest and tomorrow the girls get there glamors off and dresses on . Yes I wish to take our son home as well . And with that thay all went to there beds except draco he was still out cold .

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