the malfoys and a fight .

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As the malfoys came in the room thay saw Bellatrix tom and a new young man . Luna got a bad feeling her life was about to change.  Lucius spoke frist as head of the family.  My lord my mistress what do I owe this pleasure of you company.  My old friends it seems we have a new teacher at hogwarts I hired him and as you know as head mistress narssesa he is a veela . His name is Mr. Lee or sam Lee to his friends.  It seems he has found his mate in your daughter and you know how I feel about keeping traditions.  So In order to keep our side strong with all types of magic I am prepared to give your daughter in marriage.  To say thay were shocked was a understatement.  Narssesa spoke now to sam . What can you give my daughter i understand you will never hurt your mate and never love another and die without her .but love doesn't pay bills or provide her the the happiness of life she deserves. All were shocked that she would dare to speak out on a decision of the dark lord but as a mother bella was proud.  Mrs malfoy I promise you I will always do whatever it takes to make sure she is happy and cared for. I know she's a free spirit and she looks so beautiful with out her glamor she looks like you has a firy temper and is loyal to friends and family.  Iam also one of the richest men in the world.  Now Lucius spoke.  I love you luna your my light in a dark world your mother and I care for your happiness what do you want . I have always be loyal to my lord and mistress and my best friends including my princess Hermione. I must admit before he dyed I had hoped to go to the ball and get put with Cole. With that sam growled . But I do like sam and one can always learn to love in time so I will do as my lord asked of me .but I have a condition. Name it its yours.  I want to stay close to my family and friends and remain a death eater. It will be done . With that he gave her a ring .

Now I'm so happy I have worked out this whole mess

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Now I'm so happy I have worked out this whole mess. With that isissmis you all. With that thay left . And tom turned to bella so my love how do you feel. The baby is killing my back im only 5 months. We will our guests at the ball and tom I wanna talk to you about something.  I have big news first my love im changing a tradition.  I know but this one is allowed and I can gain grate wealth from it. But tom we have the world we have the ministry the bank full of money and our kids. Thats why I'm doing this im going to decide who married who . Bella was mad . Well before  you trade our daughter to the highest binder you might ask her what she wants . Bella you make it sound like I don't love her and want her to be happy.  Thats what it seems like you have gotten everything you want and yet we don't seem to be enough. Thats not true . Tell me to have you noticed your daughter is in love and in pain because she thinks she has to choose making her father happy out herself.  I um no you would think that you would. You used to sit with her talk now you just give her missions like one of your followers instead of your daughter.  With that she left leaving a confused tom behind to think on what she said . As he looked at her picture he suddenly realized his baby girl the one he promised at birth to always be there for and care for was almost grown up and a stranger to him. In his pursuit of his goles and dreams he had broken that promise and let her down.  But he was going to make this right he go tomorrow and ask what she wants he was not the hartless beast eavryone says he is he loves his family and followers.  Bella was right he had control of the wizzarding world enough money to well provide for his family. So it was time to stop and enjoy his family and he will kill Potter and he will name a minster of magic.  And he will not have to go to war with the Weasley clan in Azkaban and Harry dead . All is his no one left to rise up and threaten his family and his world. Purebloods and halfbloods only mudbloods are striped of there powers at birth. Halfbloods work for purebloods.  So he did that already so he was now definitely going to make things up to his daughter. And who ever she is in love with better be worthy . He hated the idea of a boy touching his daughter but as long as its not malfoy he did not have to worry. Yes he would surprise his daughter tomorrow with a visit its only two weeks before the ball and I want to know who she would choose.  He looked at her picture again and hoped she would forgive him for so many years lost.

  He looked at her picture again and hoped she would forgive him for so many years lost

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Its true with out the glamor she looks like him but she acts like balla . So he was prepared for a heated lecture.  Speaking of he better make up with his wife before he lost her. So off he went to find bella but as he was leaving his office he saw her bag and book was sticking out of it he took out thinking it was a baby book something like that. But what he saw made him go cold with rage how dare he with his daughter. Oh he was definitely talking to her tomorrow. 

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