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It was a long night for both Hermione and draco. Thay both had strange dreams and new it was nervous thoughts from within. For tomorrow was the ball and the start of the war of Potter and the last of the light namely the last of the Weasleys were not caught soon . And all he wanted was a family with Hermione.  Just then blaze came in the room .heyy are you kidding me .I see you got my owl . Yes and if she's our lords daughter you can't be with her she's above our rank. I know but I'm in too deep i love her. Would you leave ginny because she was above you. I couldn't leave her for anything. Now you understand why I have to go to our lord and beg for her hand if he gives her to another guy tomorrow I can't handle that .you know your asking to die .what chance do I have . I am tired of seeking around.  She deserves to be happy and a lot better then a Malfoy.  Dont now what she sees in me . Mate look I have learned Hermione sees the good in eavn the most evil of people. Its ginny who I worry about all her family is dead she clames she's ok she loves our side but her twin brothers will be all thats left when we kill her parents.  She might be ok on the outside but watching your parents die dose something to you on the inside. Your right blaze . We have another problem what . No has seen Ron in 2 days . Without him Potter won't show up to the trap .witch means the Weasleys won't either so find him get eavry one on it . Yes sir Mr malfoy grumpy pants with that blaze left . Just then he was summoned to his lords chamber . With his parents. Oh great he must already know . So away he went through the floo in his common room to the meeting room.

 So away he went through the floo in his common room to the meeting room

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He was greeted by Bella and his parents.  Bella spoke frist. Young Malloy just be honest and brave don't show fear i won't let you die for as much as I love him my daughters happiness comes frist.  His mother spoke next what did you do . Then in a most bord tone his dad said he's dating and sleeping with Hermione our lords daughter. What you know he gets it from your side malfoys. With that bella said best not to keep him waiting.  Thay stopped outside of a set of doors . Malfoys come in .

Draco i will ask you three questions and depending upon your answer I will choose your family's fate

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Draco i will ask you three questions and depending upon your answer I will choose your family's fate. Ready yes my lord number 1. Are you will to take a potion so you can't lie yes my lord Bella gave him the vile and he drank it . Now let's really talk . Number 2. How do feel about my daughter.  I love her she see the good in me and I know she deserves better but she is the light that makes want to get out of bed . She's the kindest and at times scariest witch I know she is beautiful with or with out her glamor.  I try to stay away and can't her happiness is all I want . Were you ever going to ask my permission and face me like a man . Yes today actually I was telling blaze how if you gave her to another man I'd die she is like a drug to me and if you bless me with her ill spend my whole life making her happy.  3. Did your parents know  . No thay did not . I have pictures on my wand to show us happy . Before you decide please look at them . Veary well show us at that a video of theses pictures play.

 Veary well show us at that a video of theses pictures play

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At the end Bella and narssesa were crying and tom had to admit he remembered he and bella like that so he knew what had to be done

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At the end Bella and narssesa were crying and tom had to admit he remembered he and bella like that so he knew what had to be done . Ok draco you my have my daughter she is in love and you have provided proof you will be a good fit but you must first bring me Potter and Ron Weasley to the trap understood yes sir we can't find Ron right now but I will make this happen good other wise you don't get my daughter consider it done my lord .you may go . Oh draco good luck my love . Thanks mom . And with a crack thay were gone dad was happy no doubt over the bragging rights of soon to be in laws with our lord mom for me and me to be alive.  As he went in the floo he saw bellas face watch him go .

Hermione was so sick an throwing up

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Hermione was so sick an throwing up. She was like this all week draco was off looking for Ron Harry was doing the same and pansy was all nervous  i have speak to her and see why . But right now ginny was holding her hair back just then she asked Hermione have you and draco had sex yet .yes a few times why did you do the spell what spell. Oh no Hermione we need to go to he nurse  why because on top of the ball being tomorrow you might be pregnant.  Oh no my dads going to kill malfoy.  Oh ya . Come on . Let's go . Wail im there go sort out pansy please ginny ok ok . Off thay went just then Harry stoped them in the hall and asked if she had heard from Ron yet . No but he's ok im sure .I don't know keep looking girls we can't give up ok .as he left she was not feeling well she almost fainted.  As thay walked into the hospital wing a pink haired nurse came in and asked what the trouble was Hermione  explained the situation and the nurse gave her a test and this is how it came out .........

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