the ministry gose both ways

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That night draco was with Hermione and thay were haveing fun. Hermione had changed the ror into a roller skating ring . Now draco can ice skate but he was like a baby elephant trying to stand he was so bad but thay had fun thay talked and laughed. And at the end of the night a long kiss . Hermione why can't you see guys at school.  Well its not just at school he hates to think I will soon leave and have a family of my own.  and he has a misunderstood way about him people think he's mean and unkind but he's really the opposite he cares too much. But sometimes I wish I could be just me and not so much what he wants me to be . I get trust me Hermione to my dad me and my sister are just . And way to keep the line going he is a good man don't get me wrong but he also keeps us under his thumb. Well draco you will always have me to go to . And you as well Hermione.  With that he took there picture and left . Felt his mark burn . And knew his fun was over.

As he and Cole and daz

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As he and Cole and daz . Arrived that noticed that blaze was not there . but thought nothing of it . Thay went to a long hall at the back of the massive library and at the last door thay knocked and waited in silence.  Entere and thay did . As thay did tom could have swore he smelled Hermione but he must just be tired . I have a job for you lot as you know we own the ministry . the only part we need to fix is i need the minister kidnapped and replace him with our man so our man who is a look a like will meet you there and don't fail me . And off thay went .as the night went on tom heard a knock on the door and mr Lee entered the room . Well the son of one of my oldest friends what do I owe this visit.  My lord I thank you for my job and I have found my mate there and I need your permission to take her back to China to my manor.  Well who is she . Luna malfoy.  Well that's a twist.  She is from a vary wealthy family eavn tho you are far richer . But I'm still on top . But I guess we caan talk to her and her parents.  I will set a time now go im waiting on news of a thing I got going. Yes my lord. And he left .
Just then he heard a knock on the door and draco and daz came in dragging a half dead minster. Well boys you did well . But were is Cole .  he did not make it . The minister killed him but he took the chance to lore him out so we could take him down he just did not run fast enough.  Well I am truly sorry boy . I'll tell his family.  Umm my lord why was blaze not here tonight he never misses a mission.  He was doing something for bella tonight something to do with our daughter.  Of course my lord im sorry . Not at all I like your sprit . Now go its late . And draco tell your parents I need to see them tomorrow at lunch. Yes sir . And with that thay left . And as thay left draco saw blaze hand bella a box . Aand then he saw draco and daz . Heyy guys wanna go to hogsmead tomorrow. Its Saturday and the girls will probably be there getting dresses. Sure ya . Daz go ahead a sec I wanna talk to blaze .ok man see ya . Whats wrong  draco. What was in the box . What box .the one you gave bella . I don't know what you mean . Draco knew his friends and when thay lie but blaze has never lied to him  before.  But let it go for now he still lost a friend tonight and who knows by the end of this how many more will die . And he had a gut sinking feeling as he remembered he had to explain about the ball to Hermione. He could not keep her but he would  never let her go . For she was his heart so tomorrow morning he had to set something up with ginny. He had to see her . And hope not to brake her .

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