the dance and the date

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As thay started dancing she saw her daughter come alive she knew her daughter was happy but bella had never seen her glow well not in a long time. She was happy but sad for she knew two things. 1the ball was coming and if she fell in love with draco and the fates said he was not for her she would be crushed. And 2. She may never open up again. But too be in love was not something she could deny her only child. And she also hoped tom would not find out poor draco would be have a protective short tempered dad too deal with . he was not happy with the ball much less the brave man to date his little girl she would have to help in the shadows of course. As the night got late draco did something brave . He kissed her and she smiled . After he asked if she would meet him for lunch on Saturday. She saw her daughter want to say yes but hold back whats wrong Hermione is it because I'm a slitherin . no its because my dad said not to date boys and focus on work and Harry and Ron would tell. Well what if we keep it on the low . Ok anytime you wanna meet just tell ginny . Shes cool and if you need me Hermione tell blaze. Deal . As she ran out she stoped to kiss his cheek and he was hooked .

 As she ran out she stoped to kiss his cheek and he was hooked

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As he left Bella fallowed him and saw him meet up with blaze. Heyy why you so happy and why are you sneaking around at this hour. I was with Hermione. I think I'm in love ok Romeo. Who is that. its a muggle story about two people in love but from different houses. Oh sounds good . No draco much like them you know you can't be with her. Have you forgotten the ball . At that his heart fell . Ill make it work but how. I don't know I will . I won't lose her .dude you don't know her . I know enough. I know that when she's around I can't breathe and when she's gone I can't think it's like I loved her at frist sight . Please help me if she gives you a note give it to me . Ok ok but I hope you know what your doing . Me too. Night man night . Heyy what are you doing in the east wing right now all thats up there are some old couches and stuff .that's not all mate. Just then he made a bird sound and this is who draco say look over the balcony.

Now thats a  twist

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Now thats a twist .not really she will be at the ball ever since shd moved in with luna for the summer she became a spy for us she's a pureblood and will have the mark soon .and I'm in love. But I will help you mate love is love . See ya . With that he left and Bellatrix went home to tom . Hello darling. Were you dealing with the bodys no you were out doing who knows what so don't hello darling me . 1 I was dealing with important things. 2 you love feeding body's to your pets . And 3 watch your tone . And 4. Im pregnant but was waiting to tell you after the ball to cheer you up . After we make a wedding packed with the lucky man who gets her . Im sorry your right I get worried when your away . Wait what your pregnant but how . Well my love when a man and woman love each other vary much. Ha ha ha you know what I mean. I'm so happy boy or girl . We won't know till later . But I'm glad your happy. I am more then happy but when it's time to fight ill have the baby sent to a safe place with you . I understand. But don't tell Hermione she already has a lot to deal with. Ok bella my love . But send her this. It's for the ball. And don't forget to make the appointment for her and the girls to get there dresses next month. Tom i got this i have narssesa helping me . Good im going to go plan an attack on the ministry and I want to see draco tomorrow after dinner. Why I have a job for him . And blaze and Cole. Please send the owls . Ok darling. Good evening. Good evening love. With that thay parted.and all was for the moment well . But would it last .

What he gave her

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What he gave her .

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Bellas memory of the  night

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Bellas memory of the night .

I used this song its perfect.

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